A chrome extension chat bot using OpenAI API.
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- Create an account at OpenAI API
- Get an API Key at OpenAI API-Keys
- Get yout Organization ID at OpenAI Org-Settings
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/cagarcia2011/chatGPT-chrome-extension.git
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Create a .env file on the root directory and add the following
VITE_OPENAI_SECRET=<Your OpenAI API-KEY> VITE_OPENAI_ORG=<Your OpenAI Organization ID> VITE_MODE=<production or development>
- Make sure to replace placeholders "<...>" with the actual values
- At "development" mode you can test storage functionality using localstorage.
- At "production" mode it will use chrome.storage.
- Build for production
npm run build
- Run development mode
npm run dev
- Load to chrome locally at chrome://extensions/
- Enable "Developer Mode"
- Click on "Load unpacked"
- Select the "dist" directory of the build
- Visit Chrome Developers Documentation for more information on creating chrome extensions.