new op: Ops.Color.ColorArraySort - Sort an array of colors by saturation/lightness etc.
new op: Ops.Color.EyeDropper - Native color picker
new op: Ops.Color.GradientColorArray - texture containing a colour gradient that can be altered with an editor
new op: Ops.Html.AlignElement - Align a HTML element to another, keep positioning
new op: Ops.Html.Attributes.ElementAccessibility - Element Accessibility properties for screen reader
new op: Ops.Html.Attributes.ElementAttributes - Get all attributes from an element an object
new op: Ops.Html.Attributes.ElementGetAttribute - Read or Get the value of an HTML element Attribute
new op: Ops.Html.Attributes.ElementSetAttribute - Write or Set the value of an HTML element Attribute
new op: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCssSize - Set the size of an element
new op: Ops.Html.InnerHTML - Set innerHTML or innerTEXT of an HTML element
new op: Ops.Math.RandomNumbersFromString - Random number generator from a string seed
new op: Ops.Sidebar.SidebarDateTime - date or datetime picker in the sidebar
bugfix: Ops.Devices.Mobile.ScreenOrientation_v2 - Update op to work with current API
bugfix: Ops.Extension.OpenType.OpentypeFont - handle prefixassetpath correctly for url input
bugfix: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCss3DTransform - remove style when deleting op
bugfix: Ops.Net.WebSocket.WebSocket_v2 - fix wrong connection state boolean when error occurs
bugfix: Ops.Sidebar.SideBarImage - handle prefixassetpath correctly for url input
bugfix: Ops.Sidebar.SidebarText_v3 - use correct string input for id
feature: Ops.Data.Compose.Array.CompArray - Added clear toggle, array will not be cleared when triggered, can now be used as a buffer
feature: Ops.Data.Compose.Object.CompObject - Added clear toggle, object will not be cleared when triggered
feature: Ops.Devices.Browser.BrowserInfo_v3 - Outputs browser version
feature: Ops.Gl.CubeMap.CubeMapFromTextures_v2 - handle prefixassetpath correctly for url input
feature: Ops.Gl.Performance - Added active toggle to completly disable calculation of performance data
feature: Ops.Html.Elements.ImageElement_v2 - Alt attritbute
feature: Ops.Html.Elements.ImageElement_v3 - Alt attritbute
feature: Ops.Sidebar.Button_v2 - Aaccessibility: button has aria-label
feature: Ops.Sidebar.ColorPicker_v3 - Added newest version of colorRick: added eyeDropper API, native colorpicking on the desktop
feature: Ops.Sidebar.Slider_v3 - Aaccessibility: button has aria-label
feature: Ops.Sidebar.Toggle_v4 - Accessibility: aria label and can be reached with tab key/toggled with enter key
improvement: Ops.Data.Compose.Object.CompObject - Added a reset trigger button to set itback to an empty object
improvement: Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiInputDevice_v2 - reduced loglevel when device connection errors
improvement: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCssText - Added justify option to align parameter
improvement: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCssPadding_v2 - Added padding parameter, that gets added on top of side-paddings
improvement: Ops.Html.Elements.ImageElement_v3 - New Version: Element gets added to the DOM automatically
improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v3 - Removed values-array input
improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Sidebar - css changes for focussed elements show outline
improvement: Ops.Sidebar.Toggle_v4 - Position of active toggle does not jump anymore
improvement: Ops.Ui.VizObject - Do nort sort object keys when it is an array
improvement: Ops.WebAudio.FFTAreaAverage_v3 - fixed display problem when having the op multiple times on the patch
improvement: Ops.WebAudio.FFTAreaAverage_v3 - outputed texture is not flipped anymore
Ops Rename
rename: Ops.Gl.Meshes.ParametricSurface - Ops.Extension.Deprecated.ParametricSurface renamed to Ops.Gl.Meshes.ParametricSurface
rename: Ops.Gl.TextureToArray - Ops.Gl.TextureToColorArray renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureToArray
rename: Ops.Gl.TextureToRandomPoints - Ops.Gl.TextureToPoints renamed to Ops.Gl.TextureToRandomPoints
deprecation: Ops.Extension.Deprecated.Array3FlipAxis - op Array.PointArray.Array3FlipAxis was deprecated - was bugged, was not flipping correctly, can be done using other ops
deprecation: Ops.Extension.Deprecated.ArraySetArray - op Array.ArraySetArray was deprecated - use compArray ops
separated html namespaces
editor: remove useless "try" button from op-permission warning dialog
editor: remove explicit listing of variables in find tab, use "set ", "get " or "#" for variable search
editor: tabs: attachment files editor shows dropdown containing all attachments files.
editor: tabs: fixed problem with opening multiple tabs for same file
editor: opsearch: fixed math symbols not showing op search results
editor: opsearch: added % for quickly searching for modulo op like other math symbols
editor: find ops: fix bugs with toggle buttons
editor: added option to set a command for double clicking the patch area (goto parent subpatch, add op or center patch)
editor: added native colorpicker: eyeDropper API (chrome only)
editor: keep original op namespace in suggestion list when renaming op
editor: added new commands for existing functionality, e.g. code a new op
editor: fix bug with op-create/clone dialog jumping to end of input
editor: easily search for variables from the param panel
editor: improve snapping of lower ops to port positions in resized parent ops
editor: removed "tab" as opselect hotkey (if you need it, add it via userpreferences hotkey for opselect: e.g. set to "escape,tab")
editor: basic improved keyboard support, html forms and buttons can be focussable via tab key and executable by pressing enter
editor: optimize op search, less lags
editor: remote client will open console and show errors and exceptions
editor: subpatch ops do not break when setting default values containing line breaks
editor: make asset uploads "case aware" (assets with different upper/lower-case will overwite content but keep original file case)
editor: remove warning about "new namespace creation" if not core-namespace
editor: show buildinfo for shared code in debug console
editor: load op code for editor in patches with read permission, or show error
core: fix order of shadermodules
website: fix posting project comments to discord
website: fix bug when saving empty op description and summary would keep old content
website: fix loadingindicatot on "unknown op" errorpage
website: rework dropdown in rename op
website: limit activities per user per block to 3 entries
website: dev page: op page shows, if op does not exists on live environment
website: show all namespaces and ops on teams page, link to namespaces page for deprecated ops
website: properly escape quotes in markdown op description
website: update references in opdocs of older versions when renaming ops
website: show suggestions when misstyping opname, even when we only have one sugesstion, do not redirect
website: move uploading of avatars (user/team) out of iframe for better cache control
website: api keys: do not show keys to the viewer when opening page, added copy button
standalone: rework npm usage and error reporing / warnings
standalone: add command to copy op-dir to clipboard
standalone: add command to open op directory in finder/explorer
standalone: improve support for npm modules using import/require and other node-versions
standalone: improve errormessages for cases where npm modules still do not/cannot work
standalone: change default namespace to Ops.Local.
standalone: change default op location to ./ops relative to .cables-file
standalone: fix error when loading initial empty layout of new op
standalone: fix adding attachments to ops
standalone: fix external editing of opcode, remove duplicate code
standalone: fix cloning op into new directory
standalone: speed up updating of opcode when editing with external editor
standalone: update electron version to 31.7.3
standalone: add "services" and "hide" options to about-menu on osx
standalone: remember "allow pasting" in devtools
standalone: add runtime info (nodeversion, chromeversion, ...) to "About Cables"
standalone: show "open op dir" button in editor
standalone: fix asset export for html export on windows
standalone: remove usless info about creating a new namespace
standalone: fix numbers in manage op directories tab
standalone: change default setting for preventing idlemode to true
standalone: set new empty patch as unsaved
standalone: set current patchname as default filename in save windows
standalone: development version: add https option to
standalone: show path to op in npm error console, for easier copying
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