Dev changelog
new op: Ops.Data.Compose.Array.CompArraySetNumber - set a number to an array at index
new op: Ops.Data.Compose.Array.CompArraySetObject - push/append a number to an array
new op: Ops.Data.Compose.Array.CompArraySetObject - push/append a number to an array
new op: Ops.Gl.Textures.SequenceTextures - control order and flow of objects
new op: Ops.Json.ArrayOfObjectsMultiPort - create an array with multiple objects
new op: Ops.String.HtmlDecode - convert a html encoded string to a normal UTF8 string
new op: Ops.String.HtmlEncode - encode a string to html
new op: Ops.String.LineBreak - Outputs a linebreak, or adds a linebreak to a string
new op: Ops.Ui.VizImage -
new op: Ops.Cables.GetOpName - get an op name from an op id
feature: Ops.Devices.Mouse.Mouse_v4 - New Version: Event type selector (mouse/touch/any pointer) / removed "touchscreen" option
feature: Ops.Devices.Mouse.Mouse_v4 - added element input, this element is used instead of area/canvas parameter
feature: Ops.Devices.Mouse.Mouse_v4 - added event output: html MouseEvent object
feature: Ops.Gl.ArrayToTexture_v2 - Added option to reverse/flip pixel data
feature: Ops.Html.Elements.ImageElement_v3 - Added output bool and trigger, when being loaded and finished
feature: Ops.Sidebar.SidebarElement - Add visible toggle input
feature: Ops.Sidebar.SidebarElement_v2 - Add visible toggle input
feature: Ops.Sidebar.SidebarElement_v2 - New version: element is an output, not an input, works better with ops like appendChild
feature: Ops.Sidebar.SidebarText_v3 - Added visible toggle input
feature: Ops.Trigger.RouteTriggerMultiPort - Output an array of names of connected ops
feature: Ops.Ui.VizTrigger - Show count as circle overlay
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetArrayByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetArrayValuesByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetNumberByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetObjectByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetStringByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetArrayByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetNumberByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetObjectByPath - change "found" port to boolNum type
improvement: Ops.Devices.Mobile.MotionSensor_v2 - Output status string of permissions
improvement: Ops.Gl.Shader.CustomShader_v2 - Show button to show shader errors in the source code
improvement: Ops.Gl.Textures.ExrTexture - Don't crash on wrong fileformat, show exception error message in op params
improvement: Ops.String.HandleBarsHtml_v2 - Syntax highlighter
improvement: Ops.Trigger.TriggerSend - Added trigger output "next" to make op passthrough-able
improvement: Ops.Ui.VizTexture - Also show pixelcolor when show info is not active / fix crosshair
bugfix: Ops.Gl.Meshes.PointCloudFromArray_v2 - Fixed: num points parameter was not working
bugfix: Ops.Html.FontFile_v2 - add quotes around css url
bugfix: Ops.Ui.VizTrigger - Fix bug when op crashed when very small
deprecation: Ops.Extension.Deprecated.Pointer - op Dev.Devices.Pointer was deprecated
allow window-management API by adding allow attribute to iframe
new command: "copy op names to clipboard"
hide op loading indicator if in different subpatch
op url input parameters now have an edit button which shows the url as an input field, to make it easier to use outside urls
op ui error display can now have buttons, e.g. show shader code on compile error
create full backups of patches for cable supporters, automatic an manual
make more website elements are able to be focussed by keyboard
taller view patch canvas on mobile
export nicely formated patch json when exporting without "minify" set
do not update "change date" of patchlist when adding or deleting likes
add overview of my backups to /mydata
download page now shows a "support cables" hint after downloading standalone
standalone: fix bug when loading old version of ops in subpatches
standalone: fix bug when loading ops with npm dependencies
docs: add documentation for op dependencies
docs: improve documentation for working with attachments (webworker/wasm)
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