Release notes
- HTML accessibility improvements
- Bug fixes
- DP-653
- DP-713
- DP-730
- DP-741
- DP-751
- DP-755
- DP-814
- DP-816
What's Changed
- DP-717 - Legal forms are not getting displayed in summary screen of organisation>Equivalent to register company incompany house no path by @dpatel017 in #872
- Release-1.0.5 Pin application version 1.0.5 in staging by @jakzal in #877
- Release-1.0.5 Pin application version 1.0.5 in production by @jakzal in #878
- Change for user friendly message for the duplicate identifier number by @shilpigoel-goaco in #848
- DP-814 Remove production's manual approval by @webit4me in #879
- DP-713 - Fix misleading change link missed from earlier commit by @andymantell in #881
- DP-816 Allow terraform manage product's DynamoDB by @webit4me in #882
- Remove user from Tenant_Person table. by @dbgoaco in #828
- DP-741 - AddDbFunctionToUpdateQuestionsSortOrder added by @maciej-goaco in #875
- Api exception handling by @dharmverma in #883
- DP-816 Add unified Slack notifications by @webit4me in #889
- DP-816 Dummy PR to force a buid to test deployment by @webit4me in #890
- DP-755 - Fixed migration added by @maciej-goaco in #888
Full Changelog: 1.0.5...1.0.6