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move canonical sexps into their own module
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c-cube committed Feb 3, 2021
1 parent 176b2e5 commit 447df82
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Showing 6 changed files with 389 additions and 246 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions fuzz/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ let gen_sexp =
let () =
Crowbar.add_test ~name:"ccsexp_csexp_reparse" [ gen_sexp ]
(fun s ->
let str = CCSexp.Canonical.to_string s in
match CCSexp.Canonical.parse_string_list str with
let str = CCCanonical_sexp.to_string s in
match CCCanonical_sexp.parse_string_list str with
| Ok [s2] -> assert (s = s2)
| Ok _ -> failwith "wrong number of sexps"
| Error e -> failwith e)
330 changes: 330 additions & 0 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@

(* This file is free software, part of containers. See file "license" for more details. *)

(** {1 Simple S-expression parsing/printing} *)

open CCShims_

type 'a or_error = ('a, string) result
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option

module type SEXP = CCSexp_intf.BASIC_SEXP
module type S = CCSexp_intf.S0

let equal_string (a : string) b = Stdlib.(=) a b
let compare_string (a : string) b = a b

let _with_in filename f =
let ic = open_in filename in
let x = f ic in
close_in ic;
with e ->
close_in ic;
Error (Printexc.to_string e)

let _with_out filename f =
let oc = open_out filename in
let x = f oc in
close_out oc;
with e ->
close_out oc;
raise e

module Make(Sexp : SEXP) = struct
type t = Sexp.t
type sexp = t

let atom = Sexp.atom
let list = Sexp.list
let of_int x = Sexp.atom (string_of_int x)
let of_float x = Sexp.atom (string_of_float x)
let of_bool x = Sexp.atom (string_of_bool x)
let of_unit = Sexp.list []
let of_list l = Sexp.list l
let of_rev_list l = Sexp.list (List.rev l)
let of_pair (x,y) = Sexp.list [x;y]
let of_triple (x,y,z) = Sexp.list [x;y;z]
let of_quad (x,y,z,u) = Sexp.list [x;y;z;u]

let of_variant name args = Sexp.list (Sexp.atom name :: args)
let of_field name t = Sexp.list [Sexp.atom name; t]
let of_record l =
Sexp.list ( (fun (n,x) -> of_field n x) l)

(** {3 Printing} *)

let rec to_buf b t =
Sexp.match_ t
~atom:(fun s -> Printf.bprintf b "%d:%s" (String.length s) s)
| [] -> Buffer.add_string b "()"
| [x] -> Printf.bprintf b "(%a)" to_buf x
| l ->
Buffer.add_char b '(';
List.iter (to_buf b) l;
Buffer.add_char b ')')

let to_string t =
let b = Buffer.create 128 in
to_buf b t;
Buffer.contents b

let rec pp_noindent fmt t =
Sexp.match_ t
~atom:(fun s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%d:%s" (String.length s) s)
| [] -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "()"
| [x] -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" pp_noindent x
| l ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(";
List.iter (pp_noindent fmt) l;
Format.fprintf fmt ")")

let pp = pp_noindent

let rec to_chan oc t =
Sexp.match_ t
~atom:(fun s -> Printf.fprintf oc "%d:%s" (String.length s) s)
| [] -> output_string oc "()"
| [x] -> Printf.fprintf oc "(%a)" to_chan x
| l ->
output_char oc '(';
List.iter (to_chan oc) l;
output_char oc ')')

let to_file_iter filename iter =
_with_out filename
(fun oc -> iter (fun t -> to_chan oc t))

let to_file filename t = to_file_iter filename (fun k -> k t)

(** {3 Parsing} *)

module type INPUT = sig
exception EOF
val read_char : unit -> char
val read_string : int -> string

module Decoder(I:INPUT) = struct
let[@inline] is_num_ c = Char.code c >= Char.code '0' && Char.code c <= Char.code '9'
let[@inline] as_num_ c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'

let next_ () : sexp or_error * bool =
let rec read_string_len n =
match I.read_char () with
| c when is_num_ c -> read_string_len (n * 10 + as_num_ c)
| ':' ->
let s = I.read_string n in
atom s
| _ -> failwith "expected string length"

and eat_colon () =
match I.read_char () with
| ':' -> ()
| _ -> failwith "expected ':'"

and read_in_paren acc =
match I.read_char () with
| ')' -> list (List.rev acc)
| c when is_num_ c ->
let sexp = read_string_len (as_num_ c) in
read_in_paren (sexp::acc)
| '(' ->
let sexp = read_in_paren [] in
read_in_paren (sexp::acc)
| _ -> failwith "expected list of sexprs"
(* read a S-expr *)
begin match I.read_char () with
| exception I.EOF -> Error "unexpected EOF", true
| '(' -> Ok (read_in_paren []), false
| '0' -> eat_colon (); Ok (atom ""), false
| c when is_num_ c -> Ok (read_string_len (as_num_ c)), false
| _ -> Error "unexpected char, expected toplevel sexpr", false
with Failure e -> Error e, false

let to_list () : _ or_error =
let rec iter acc =
match next_ () with
| Error _, true -> Ok (List.rev acc)
| Ok x, _ -> iter (x::acc)
| Error _ as res, _ -> res
try iter []
with e -> Error (Printexc.to_string e)

let[@inline] next_or_error () : _ or_error = fst (next_ ())

module Decoder_str(X : sig val s : string end) =
exception EOF
let i = ref 0
let n = String.length X.s
let read_char () =
if !i >= n then raise_notrace EOF;
let c = String.unsafe_get X.s !i in
incr i;
let read_string len =
if !i + len > n then raise_notrace EOF;
let res = String.sub X.s !i len in
i := !i + len;

let parse_string s : t or_error =
let module D = Decoder_str(struct let s=s end) in
D.next_or_error ()

let parse_string_list s : t list or_error =
let module D = Decoder_str(struct let s=s end) in
D.to_list ()

module Decoder_ic(X : sig val ic : in_channel end) =
exception EOF = End_of_file
let[@inline] read_char () = input_char X.ic
let read_string n =
match n with
| 0 -> ""
| 1 -> String.make 1 (read_char ())
| _ ->
let buf = Bytes.make n '\000' in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i < n do
let len = input X.ic buf !i (n - !i) in
i := !i + len;
Bytes.unsafe_to_string buf

let parse_chan_ ?file ic : sexp or_error =
let module D = Decoder_ic(struct let ic=ic end) in
match D.next_or_error(), file with
| Error s, Some file -> Error (Printf.sprintf "%s in '%s'" s file)
| r, _ -> r

let parse_chan_list_ ?file ic =
let module D = Decoder_ic(struct let ic=ic end) in
match D.to_list (), file with
| Error s, Some file -> Error (Printf.sprintf "%s in '%s'" s file)
| r, _ -> r

let parse_chan ic = parse_chan_ ic
let parse_chan_list ic = parse_chan_list_ ic

let parse_chan_gen ic =
let module D = Decoder_ic(struct let ic=ic end) in
fun () ->
match D.next_ () with
| _, true -> None
| Error e, _ -> Some (Error e)
| Ok x, _ -> Some (Ok x)

let parse_file filename = _with_in filename (parse_chan_ ~file:filename)

let parse_file_list filename = _with_in filename (parse_chan_list_ ~file:filename)

type t = [
| `Atom of string
| `List of t list

let rec equal a b = match a, b with
| `Atom s1, `Atom s2 ->
equal_string s1 s2
| `List l1, `List l2 ->
begin try List.for_all2 equal l1 l2 with Invalid_argument _ -> false end
| `Atom _, _ | `List _, _ -> false

let rec compare_list a b = match a, b with
| [], [] -> 0
| [], _::_ -> -1
| _::_, [] -> 1
| x::xs, y::ys ->
begin match compare x y with
| 0 -> compare_list xs ys
| c -> c

and compare a b = match a, b with
| `Atom s1, `Atom s2 -> compare_string s1 s2
| `List l1, `List l2 -> compare_list l1 l2
| `Atom _, _ -> -1
| `List _, _ -> 1

module Basic_ = struct
type nonrec t = t
let atom x = `Atom x
let list x = `List x
let match_ x ~atom ~list = match x with
| `Atom x -> atom x
| `List l -> list l

include (Make(Basic_) : S with type t := t)

let csexp_bijective s = to_string s |> parse_string = Ok s

(*$= & ~printer:CCFormat.(to_string (Dump.result pp))
(Ok (`List [`Atom ""])) (parse_string {|(0:)|})
(Ok (`List [`Atom "a"; `Atom "b "])) (parse_string {|(1:a2:b )|})

csexp_bijective (`List [`Atom ""])

let sexp_gen =
let mkatom a = `Atom a and mklist l = `List l in
let atom = Q.Gen.(map mkatom (string_size ~gen:char (1 -- 30))) in
let gen = Q.Gen.(
sized (fix
(fun self n st -> match n with
| 0 -> atom st
| _ ->
[ 1, atom
; 2, map mklist (list_size (0 -- 10) (self (n/10)))
] st
)) in
let rec small = function
| `Atom s -> String.length s
| `List l -> List.fold_left (fun n x->n+small x) 0 l
and print = function
| `Atom s -> Printf.sprintf "`Atom \"%s\"" s
| `List l -> "`List " ^ Q.Print.list print l
and shrink = function
| `Atom s -> mkatom (Q.Shrink.string s)
| `List l -> mklist (Q.Shrink.list ~shrink l)
Q.make ~print ~small ~shrink gen

(*$Q & ~count:100
sexp_gen csexp_bijective

let s1 =
`List (CCList.init 100_000
(fun i -> `List [`Atom "-"; `Atom (string_of_int i); `Atom ")(\n]"])) in
let str = to_string s1 in
match parse_string str with
| Ok s2 -> assert_equal s1 s2
| Error e -> assert_failure e
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/core/CCCanonical_sexp.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@

(* This file is free software, part of containers. See file "license" for more details. *)

(** {1 Canonical S-expressions}
See {{:} wikipedia}.
These S-expressions are binary safe.

type 'a or_error = ('a, string) result
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option

module type SEXP = CCSexp_intf.BASIC_SEXP
module type S = CCSexp_intf.S0

(** {2 Parser and printer} *)
module Make(Sexp : SEXP) : S with type t = Sexp.t

(** {2 Basics} *)

(** A simple, structural representation of S-expressions.
Compatible with {!CCSexp}. *)
type t = [
| `Atom of string
| `List of t list

include S with type t := t

val equal : t -> t -> bool

val compare : t -> t -> int

val atom : string -> t

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