A toy event loop using poll and OCaml 5's effect handlers. I'm learning.
Some toy programs can be found in 'examples'. I didn't bother adding buffering or proper channels, it's all raw unix FDs.
let () =
Ldl.run @@ fun () ->
let stdin = Ldl.File.stdin () in
let stdout = Ldl.File.stdout () in
let buf = Bytes.create 32 in
let continue = ref true in
while !continue do
let n = Ldl.FD.read stdin buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in
if n = 0 then
continue := false
Ldl.FD.write_all stdout buf 0 n
let () =
let port = ref 8085 in
let debug = ref false in
let opts =
[ "-p", Arg.Set_int port, " port"; "-d", Arg.Set debug, " debug" ]
|> Arg.align
Arg.parse opts ignore "";
epf "listen on port %d\n%!" !port;
let server_sock = Ldl.Net.listen_local ~port:!port () in
Ldl.run @@ fun () ->
while true do
let client_sock, client_addr = Ldl.Net.accept server_sock in
let client_ip, client_port =
match client_addr with
| Unix.ADDR_INET (ip, port) -> Unix.string_of_inet_addr ip, port
| _ -> assert false
if !debug then epf "got client on %s:%d!\n%!" client_ip client_port;
(Ldl.spawn (fun () ->
let buf = Bytes.create 128 in
let continue = ref true in
while !continue do
let n = Ldl.FD.read client_sock buf 0 (Bytes.length buf) in
if !debug then
epf "got %d bytes from client %s:%d\n%!" n client_ip client_port;
if n > 0 then
Ldl.FD.write_all client_sock buf 0 n
continue := false
if !debug then
epf "client %s:%d disconnected\n%!" client_ip client_port)
: Ldl.Fut.t);