Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm currently diving deep into the world of IoT while exploring various technologies to shape the future. Let's connect and create something extraordinary together!
- 🔭 Current Work: Exploring the realms of IoT.
- 🌱 Learning: Mastering the Art of Life with a sprinkle of technology.
- 👯 Collaboration: Interested in real-time item exchange projects in Augmented Reality (AR).
- 🤔 Looking For Help With: Competitive Programming challenges.
- 💬 Ask Me About: Anything that’s out of the box!
- 📫 Reach Me At:
- Email: arun.ku9555@gmail.com
- GitHub: @bytesbit
- Website: arunon.com
- 😄 Pronouns: CODEy
- ⚡ Fun Fact: Did you know that Netflix uses Flask as a backend framework? 🤔
- 🌐 Personal Website
Looking forward to collaborating and connecting with like-minded tech enthusiasts! 😊