Home test for Mobile Automation position in Applicaster
- Test should be running under Mac OS (requesting this since I haven't tested it under Windows only)
- Appium client v1.6.6-beta.4 is installed on your machine (for installation follow instructions below)
- The application original Bundle ID has not changed from SMWarren.e-Where
- Appium server is running in background, from Mac terminal run 'appium' command.
- Install our application on "iPhone 6 Simulator" via xCode (remember keeping SMWarren.e-Where as our bundle id)
(you can choose other simulator such as iPhone 7, just update this in configuration.json file under device_name field, by default its iPhone 6) - From terminal enter the following:
- cd ApplicasterHomeTest/
- python test.py
- cd ApplicasterHomeTest/
The project contains the following 3 tests:
test_navigate_to_all_screens - This test perform basic navigation between all screens of the application and verify on each screen the elements
test_stress_test_launch_application - This test perform stress test for by launching the application 5 times in a row
test_background_to_forground - This test verifies that the application returns to same state (=screen) after returning from background
1. brew install node # get node.js
2. npm install -g appium@beta # get appium
3. npm install wd # get appium client
Name: Boaz Warshawsky
Phone: 054-566-4876
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/boaz-warshawsky/
Android app: https://github.com/erikcaffrey/RecyclerView-Examples