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Input Processing

Terry Burton edited this page Jul 1, 2022 · 16 revisions

Input Processing


In supporting barcode symbologies, when the parse option is specified, any instances of ^NNN in the data field are replaced with their equivalent ASCII value, useful for specifying unprintable characters.

Note: When this option is enabled, literal instances of ^NNN in the input data can be escaped as ^094NNN.

Additionally, control character names can be used to specify equivalent ASCII values, as follows:

Sequence ASCII value
^NUL 0
^SOH 1
^STX 2
^ETX 3
^EOT 4
^ENQ 5
^ACK 6
^BEL 7
^BS 8
^TAB 9
^LF 10
^VT 11
^FF 12
^CR 13
^DLE 16
^DC1 17
^DC2 18
^DC3 19
^DC4 20
^NAK 21
^SYN 22
^ETB 23
^CAN 24
^EM 25
^SUB 26
^ESC 27
^FS 28
^GS 29
^RS 30
^US 31

Note: ASCII control characters SO and SI cannot be encoded by name (since SO would prefix clash with SOH.


Equivalent symbols:

Data:    This is Data Matrix
Encoder: datamatrix
Data:    This is ^068ata Matrix
Options: parse
Encoder: datamatrix


In supporting barcode symbologies, when the parsefnc option is specified, non-data function characters can be specified by escaped combinations such as ^FNC1, ^FNC4, ^SFT/ and ^ECI000003.

Note: When this option is enabled, literal instances of ^ in the input data can be escaped as ^^.


Manually-composed Code 93 Extended demonstrating use of the special shift combination (/)A to represent !:

Data:    TERRY^SFT/A
Options: parsefnc includecheck
Encoder: code93

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