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Input Processing

Terry Burton edited this page Jul 1, 2022 · 16 revisions

Input Processing


In supporting barcode symbologies, when the parse option is specified, any instances of ^NNN in the data field are replaced with their equivalent ASCII value, useful for specifying unprintable characters.

Additionally, control character names can be used to specify equivalent ASCII values, as follows:

Sequence ASCII value
^NUL 0
^SOH 1
^STX 2
^ETX 3
^EOT 4
^ENQ 5
^ACK 6
^BEL 7
^BS 8
^TAB 9
^LF 10
^VT 11
^FF 12
^CR 13
^DLE 16
^DC1 17
^DC2 18
^DC3 19
^DC4 20
^NAK 21
^SYN 22
^ETB 23
^CAN 24
^EM 25
^SUB 26
^ESC 27
^FS 28
^GS 29
^RS 30
^US 31

ASCII control characters SO and SI cannot be encoded by name (since SO would prefix clash with SOH).

Note: When this option is enabled, literal instances of "^" in the data should be escaped as ^094 to avoid replacement if the subsequent data characters represent a valid substitution. For example, literal "^123" in the input data can be escaped as ^094123, literal "^RS" in the data can be escaped as ^094RS, and literal "^ABC" in the data cam be escaped as ^094ABC (in case ^ABC becomes a valid substitution in the future).


Equivalent symbols:

Data:    This is Data Matrix
Encoder: datamatrix
Data:    This is ^068ata Matrix
Options: parse
Encoder: datamatrix


In supporting barcode symbologies, when the parsefnc option is specified, non-data function characters can be specified by escaped combinations such as ^FNC1, ^FNC4, ^SFT/ and ^ECI000003.

Note: When this option is enabled, literal instances of ^ in the input data can be escaped as ^^.


Manually-composed Code 93 Extended demonstrating use of the special shift combination (/)A to represent !:

Data:    TERRY^SFT/A
Options: parsefnc includecheck
Encoder: code93

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