Hi, I am Buzurgmexr Sultonaliyev, 22 y. o., Junior IOS Developer.
Currently working at ArtWorkout
ArtWorkout - 23.01.23-present
Educational drawing app
Working on new features, UI, logic, drawing, etc.
SwiftUI, Combine, PencilKit, ParseSwift, Fastlane, Tuist, etc.
XONO.ONE - 02.01.23-08.01.23 (1 week)
Finishing the project after a freelancer, because he quit unexpectedly. Had to do all the work in a short time
Crypto Wallet app
Transactions in BTC, ETH, BNB, TRX, etc. using WalletCore; Authorization/Registration using URLSession
SwitUI, Combine, WalletCore
I was paid to mentor me, very strange work
UI of a Piano, taps handling, scaling with screen size; 1 screen of a Learning Language app
UIKit, SnapKit, SwiftLint
- Swift, SwiftLint, SwiftFormat
- SwiftUI, Combine, MVVM
- SwiftUIX, Introspect, Lottie, VLCKit
- TDLibKit, WalletCore
- Fastlane, Tuist
- Firebase, CoreData, UserDefaults, ParseSwift
- Foundation, MediaPlayer, AVKit, MapKit, PhotosUI, CoreLocation, UserNotifications (Local only)
- URLSession, FileManager, JSON, async/await, GCD
- Amplitude, ApphudSDK, Yandex Appmetrica, FacebookCore
- SpriteKit, SnapKit, UIKit (Storyboard, code) - few months of learning, switched back to SwiftUI
- XCode, SPM, CocoaPods
- Git, GitHub, Fork, SourceTree
- Trello, Notion
- Figma, Sketch
- English Intermediate B1-B2
- Moc - Telegram client for macOS/iPadOS
- 100 days of SwiftUI
- 100 days of Swift (UIKit)
- Mastering SwiftUI (iOS 15) by AppCoda
- Ian Solomein SwiftUI Basics
GitHub - @levochkaa
Telegram - @levpoz
Twitter - @levochkacodes
LinkedIn - @levochkaa
Mail - levochkaaa@icloud.com
- Python - scripting, backend, parsing/scraping, telegram bots, requests, many different APIs
- GameDev (Unity + C#) - arcade (mobile) games, one in Google Play
- Flutter, Dart (few months, switched back to SwiftUI)
- PostgreSQL, SQLite
- Arduino with C++
- Rewriting Python code to C++ on olimpiads to make it more efficient
- Processing, Scratch, Frontend (HTML, CSS) - a bit, don't like these
- first hobby
- second hobby
- third hobby
- ... hobby