Integration of Falcon API unit tests with Bravado. For testing your application's contract.
You can easily implement Bravado integrations for other frameworks' unit tests (e.g. Flask's) based on this code.
This library doesn't do much, but it's actually feature-complete (there weren't that many features to implement...).
One thing that can be changed in the future is the way Falcon requests are simulated. Right now it's done with pytest-falcon, but you don't have to use Pytest in your tests (but it's great and you probably should at least check it out).
from bravado.client import SwaggerClient
from bravado_falcon import FalconHttpClient
api = get_falcon_api() # get a falcon.API
swagger_spec = get_swagger_spec() # dict created by loading a YAML or JSON from a file
client = SwaggerClient.from_spec(swagger_spec,
# "v1" is the first part of a path (e.g. "/v1/shopping/lists")
# "getList" is the "operationId" element for an endpoint from Swagger
# "id" is a path parameter (let's say from "/v1/shopping/lists/{id}")
# See Bravado docs for more information.
list_object = client.v1.getList(id='list-id').result()
# now make assertions about the returned object