Developed using Laravel, my e-commerce project offers a clean and minimalist interface with powerful multi-filtering features. Users can filter by categories, color and price of products, and can also perform brand-specific searches using the search bar. With the ability to combine multiple filters and search by specific categories, shoppers can easily find the products they want and enjoy a seamless and personalized shopping experience. Explore my user-friendly and visually appealing e-commerce project for a hassle-free shopping journey.
- Laravel
- cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable
- laravel/ui
- intervention/image
- Home page (URL: /#/ )
- Get and view product lists by category and subcategory
- Sign in/Sign up pages (URL: /#/login, /#/register)
- Authenticating users via laravel ui (login/registration pages)
- Product page (URL: /#/product)
- List of products
- List of products pulled from specific category
- Product filtering by category, price range, color and size
- Add products to cart
- Pagination feature
- Sort by product name and price
- Product detail page (URL: /#/product/{slug})
- List product information
- Add the product to the cart with its quantity
- List products in a similar category to the product
- Product detail page (URL: /#/cart)
- List products added to cart
- Edit, delete items in the cart
- Adding coupons in cart
- Buying the product
- Slider page (URL: /#/panel/slider)
- Add, delete, edit and list sliders
- Add switch status button for slider with ajax
- Category page (URL: /#/panel/category)
- Add, delete, edit and list category
- Add switch status button for category with ajax
- About page (URL: /#/panel/about)
- Show and update about
- Contact page (URL: /#/panel/contact)
- Add, delete, edit and list contact
- Add switch status button for contact with ajax
- Site Setting page (URL: /#/panel/setting)
- Add, delete, edit and list site setting
- Creating a field with ajax according to the selected input (ckeditor, textarea, text, file, image, email)