A membership and status application for Bushwick Food Co-Op members. Used to track fee payments, hours, etc. Uses sidekiq to run some jobs...
Foreman will spawn unicorn, a clockwork process, and sidekiq to process jobs.
- Ruby 2.1.2
- apt-get install libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libreadline-dev nodejs mysql-server nginx redis-server
cp -R config/etc /
useradd -d /opt/apps -r -m apps
cp bin/release.sh /opt/apps
useradd -d /opt/git -r -m -s /usr/bin/git-shell git
sudo -u git -c 'cd /opt/git; mkdir bfc-members; cd bfc-members; git init --bare'
- add the machine as a remote to your repo
- push master to the repo
- create ~apps/bfc-members/shared/config/env.sh
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export RACK_ENV="prodcution"
export RAILS_ENV="prodcution"
export REDISTOGO_URL="redis://localhost:6379/10"
export SMTP_PASSWORD=...
sudo -u apps 'cd ~apps; ./release bfc-members
Most of the relevant code can be found in app, lib, and test.
- On OS X install brew
brew install mysql ruby
- follow the on screen instructions, for running the server
- Ensure /usr/local/bin comes before /usr/bin, in your PATH variable!
git clone git@github.com:bushwickfc/bfc-members
cd bfc-members
gem install bundler
bundle install
- DO NOT USE db:setup
rake db:create db:migrate
- To seed data, you can use a db dump or seeds
rake db:seed
gzip -dc db.sql.gz | mysql -D bfc-members_development -u root
rails c
- Local web server
rails s
- Run tests
rake test
git remote add ov git@db.ov.bushwickfoodcoop.org:bfc-members.git
git push ov master:master
ssh db.ov.bushwickfoodcoop.org
su - apps
./release.sh bfc-members
cd bfc-members/current; rake db:migrate
restart bfc-members