Introduces a new Link
primitive to pass around self-contained references to
routes, like URLs, but with state (isActive
, ...) and methods (open
...). Also brings along an accompanying template helper for easy
usage in templates.
does to routing whatember-concurrency
did to asynchrony!
Install ember-link
ember install ember-link
You can use ember-link
in a declarative form with a (link)
helper or imperatively with the LinkManager
Use the (link)
helper to create a link primitive and attach it to an element.
Use the LinkManager.createLink()
method to create a link programmatically.
import Contoller from '@ember/controller';
import { service } from '@ember/service';
import type { LinkManagerService } from 'ember-link';
export default class PageHeader extends Controller {
@service declare linkManager: LinkManagerService;
aboutUsLink = this.linkManager.createLink('about');
The idea of ember-link
is to be able to create link primitives, that you can
pass around. Create links at route level and then pass them into components.
A more in-depth guide is available at using primitives.
ember-link has testing support on board, preparing the environment with
and linkFor()
to create a link to a route on the fly:
import { click, render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { linkFor, setupLink } from 'ember-link/test-support';
import type { TestContext as BaseTestContext } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import type { TestLink } from 'ember-link/test-support';
interface TestContext extends BaseTestContext {
link: TestLink;
module('`setupLink` example', function (hooks) {
test('using link in render tests', async function (this: TestContext, assert) {
// arrange = linkFor('some.route'); = () => assert.step('link clicked');
await render(hbs`
{{#let as |l|}}
<a href={{l.url}} {{on "click"}}>Click me</a>
// act
await click('a');
// assert
assert.verifySteps(['link clicked']);
: Allows you to useember-link
inside enginesember-router-helpers
- RFC 391 "Router Helpers"
- RFC 339 "Router link component and routing helpers"
- RFC 459 "Angle Bracket Invocations For Built-in Components"