This module permits runtime setting of tags via Django admin.
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The easiest way to get started with the module is to install it from the Python Package Index.
pip install git+ssh://
You will need to have your credentials added to the github access list by someone from Burning Man tech.
Add the app and context processor to the file:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ..., 'django_runtime_tags', ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( ..., 'django_runtime_tags.context_processors.add_tags', )
Add the RuntimeTag model to the database with
python syncdb
Optionally, you can add a test template to, for example
if settings.DEBUG: from django_runtime_tags.urls import rtt_test_urlpatterns urlpatterns += rtt_test_urlpatterns
Then, just go the Django admin, and set some Tags to use in your templates.
If you added the test link to your file, you can test your installation like this.
python manage loaddata django_runtime_tags/test_data python runserver http://localhost:8000/rtt/test/
Minimum Django version 1.3
Template Tags can be set at runtime via the Django admin facility. Tags are quite flexible and can contain Boolean, String and other Python types. They are immediately available -- or, you can set a date & time in the future when they become valid.
This is intended to be accessed via the Django admin, and expected to be used by staff with admin privileges. Part of its flexibility comes from being able to eval(uate) tag values as Python code. A safe(er) version of eval is used, and it has been tested to withstand deliberate exploits. However, it's probably safest not to use in situations with untrusted input. (See comments in code for details.)