A REST API service built to register users, companies, and email templates to the database via APIs and send the registered email templates as bulk emails to the registered companies.
Replace the .env.example file in the root directory with .env Then edit your environment variables
Clone this repository
➜ git clone https://github.com/burakturnaa/mailoop.git
➜ cd ./mailoop
Install dependencies
➜ go mod download
➜ go run main.go
➜ go build
If you had installed make utility
➜ make run
➜ make build
Watch for file changes and reload
➜ make watch
POST /api/auth/login
POST /api/auth/register
Check token
GET /api/auth/check_token
Get all companies
GET /api/company/
Get company by id
GET /api/company/:id
Create company
POST /api/company/
Update company
PUT /api/company/:id
Delete company
DELETE /api/company/:id
Get all mail templates
GET /api/mailtemp/
Get mail template by id
GET /api/mailtemp/:id
Create mail template
POST /api/mailtemp/
Update mail template
PUT /api/mailtemp/:id
Delete mail template
DELETE /api/mailtemp/:id
Send email
POST /api/mail/send
Get all logs
GET /api/log/