1.1.0 (2022-09-02)
Bug Fixes
add menu type judgment (41bcd22 )
babel.config.js: use polyfill of (c0b25f0 )
components: [dynamic-table] initial fetchData did not carry the default value (c2a31d4 )
components: [dynamic-table] parameter missing #95 (31758b5 )
dynamic-table: add onChangeParams param for dataRequest (9c9ec46 )
invalid regular expression in safari (6375f53 ), closes #108
pages: about page link issues (8b87e06 )
projects: 修复 tabs-view 下拉菜单溢出,移除@vue/compiler-sfc 依赖 (2d5f011 )
router redirect error when logout #98 (32c0a15 )
schema-form: update props issue (62f7a4e )
some css style issues (31cbd31 )
some ts type issue (fdbaf55 )
user: getInfo、getInfo api network error causing infinite retries (#100 ) (a73d4ad )
utils: [is] always false of isPromise #107 (ec9a6b7 )
当前用户角色权限变更时实时更新权限菜单 (adbda89 )
components: [dynamic-table] cell support defaultEditable (03e7806 )
components: [dynamic-table] support cell edit (0eccb9a )
components: [ProjectSetting] config project style online (2031927 )
edit-row-table support save loading (b24e25a )
support for nested routes (79b2093 )
update basic-form demo (bea6824 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.