Global Waves is a Java project designed to simulate the diverse functionalities of a global music streaming platform, inspired by services like Spotify. This simulation introduces various user interactions, including features like artists, hosts, playlists, and more. Users can explore, play, and interact with a wide range of audio collections, artists, and hosts.
Each artist has a dedicated page on the platform, allowing them to manage details such as albums, merchandise, and events. Normal users can explore and access these details on the artist's page.
Similar to the artist page, a host's page showcases podcasts and announcements. Normal users can explore and access these details on the host's page.
- ChangePage: View the page of a specific user (artist or host) using a formatted string for each page.
Three user types exist, each with specific commands:
- Artist
- Host
- Normal
- Library: All songs available on the platform, accessible to all users.
- Playlist: A collection of songs created by a user, public or private.
- Podcast: A collection of episodes with a specified order.
- Album: A collection of songs created by an artist. Normal users can search and listen to albums.
Allows users to search for songs, playlists, podcasts and albums based on various filters and select them afterwards.
Users can interact with a music player to play, pause, shuffle, repeat, and navigate through tracks. The player supports songs, albums and playlists.
- AddUser: Admins can add new users (normal, artists, or hosts) with basic details.
- DeleteUser: Admins can delete user accounts.
- AddAlbum: Artists can add albums to the platform.
- RemoveAlbum: Artists can remove albums from the platform.
- AddEvent: Artists can add events to their profile.
- RemoveEvent: Artists can remove events from their profile.
- AddMerch: Artists can add merchandise items to the platform.
- AddPodcast: Hosts can add podcasts to the platform.
- AddAnnouncement: Hosts can add announcements to their profile.
- RemoveAnnouncement: Hosts can remove announcements from their profile.
- SwitchConnectionStatus: Users can switch between online and offline modes.
- List of Commands Restricted in Offline Mode:
- Search, Select, Load, PlayPause, Repeat, Shuffle, Forward, Backward, Like, Next, Prev, CreatePlaylist, AddRemoveInPlaylist, SwitchVisibility, Follow, ChangePage, PrintCurrentPage.
- GetTop5Albums: Display the top 5 albums based on likes.
- GetTop5Artists: Display the top 5 artists based on likes.
- GetAllUsers: Show the names of all users in the application.
- GetOnlineUsers: Show the names of online normal users.
Commands include a timestamp field to simulate real-time application behavior.
- Load: Load a source (song, playlist, or podcast) into the player.
- PlayPause: Toggle between play and pause.
- Repeat: Toggle repeat mode.
- Shuffle: Toggle shuffle mode.
- Forward/Backward: Navigate forward or backward in a podcast.
- Like: Like or unlike the current song.
- Next/Prev: Skip to the next or return to the previous track.
- AddRemoveInPlaylist: Add or remove the current song from a playlist.
- Status: Display the current status of the player.
- CreatePlaylist: Create a new playlist.
- SwitchVisibility: Switch a playlist between public and private.
- FollowPlaylist: Follow or unfollow a playlist.
- ShowPlaylists: Display all playlists owned by an user.