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Cell type specific analyses

hilaryfinucane edited this page May 11, 2018 · 8 revisions


This tutorial is about the --h2-cts flag, which makes it easy to do cell type specific analyses of the sort done in Finucane et al. 2018 Nat Genet. In this example, we will replicate a piece of Figure 4B of that paper, in which we test the gene sets from Cahoy et al. 2008 J. Neurosci for BMI enrichment, using BMI summary statistics from the UK Biobank, released by Loh et al. 2017 bioRxiv. This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with partitioning heritability with LDSC. If you would like to use your own gene sets, you should first go through the "Partitioned LD scores" section of the LD score estimation tutorial, which has been updated with new content on gene sets (May 2018).

Here is the total analysis; in the subsequent sections we go through each step.

#Choose which set of gene sets to analyze. Options include Multi_tissue_gene_expr, Multi_tissue_chromatin, GTEx_brain, Cahoy, ImmGen, or Corces_ATAC

#Download the LD scores
tar -xvzf ${cts_name}_1000Gv3_ldscores.tgz
tar -xvzf 1000G_Phase3_baseline_ldscores.tgz
tar -xvzf weights_hm3_no_hla.tgz

#Download and format the summary statistics, or use your own.
bunzip2 w_hm3.snplist.bz2
python \
--sumstats body_BMIz.sumstats.gz \
--merge-alleles w_hm3.snplist \
--out UKBB_BMI

#Run the regression \
    --h2-cts UKBB_BMI.sumstats.gz \
    --ref-ld-chr 1000G_EUR_Phase3_baseline/baseline. \
    --out BMI_${cts_name} \
    --ref-ld-chr-cts $cts_name.ldcts \
    --w-ld-chr weights_hm3_no_hla/weights.

Step 1: Download the data

Download the Cahoy files as follows:

tar -xvzf ${cts_name}_1000Gv3_ldscores.tgz

To analyze other gene sets from Finucane et al. 2018, replace "Cahoy" above with "Multi_tissue_gene_expr" (includes both GTEx data and Franke lab data), "Multi_tissue_chromatin" (includes both Roadmap and ENTEX data), "GTEx_brain", "ImmGen", or "Corces_ATAC". These datasets are all described in the paper. We unfortunately do not have permission to release the gene sets and LD scores from PsychENCODE.

We will also need the baseline model and standard regression weights (see the Partitioning Heritability tutorial):

tar -xvzf 1000G_Phase3_baseline_ldscores.tgz
tar -xvzf weights_hm3_no_hla.tgz

Finally, download and format the BMI summary statistics, using

bunzip2 w_hm3.snplist.bz2
python \
--sumstats body_BMIz.sumstats.gz \
--merge-alleles w_hm3.snplist \
--out UKBB_BMI

Step 2: Run the regressions

Next, run with the --h2-cts flag to do the regressions. Again, you can replace "Cahoy" with one of the other options above, if you have downloaded the necessary data.

cts_name=Cahoy \
    --h2-cts UKBB_BMI.sumstats.gz \
    --ref-ld-chr 1000G_EUR_Phase3_baseline/baseline. \
    --out BMI_${cts_name} \
    --ref-ld-chr-cts $cts_name.ldcts \
    --w-ld-chr weights_hm3_no_hla/weights.

Two flags are new here:


This file has two columns. The first column has a label, for example the name of the cell type in question. The second column has a comma delimited list of LD scores to include when doing the regression for that cell type. For example, in Cahoy.ldcts there are three lines, corresponding to three brain cell types. Each line has two sets of LD scores to include: one is the set of LD scores corresponding to the specifically expressed genes in the cell type, while the second one is a "control" gene set of all genes. The result that will be reported will be the regression coefficient for the first set of LD scores in the list.


This is a file in sumstats format, as you would input with the --h2 flag. The --h2-cts flag tells to run a cell type specific analysis

The remaining flags are as in partitioned heritability.

This command will run one regression for each line in the .ldcts file. The regression will include both the LD scores from that line, as well as whatever LD scores are given to the --ref-ld-chr flag.

Output files

.log file

This provides a log of the job, as for jobs with the --h2 flag.

.cell_type_results.txt file

For each line in the .ldcts input file, there is a line in the .cell_type_results.txt file. There are four columns:

  • The first column of the .cell_type_results.txt file has the labels from the first column of the .ldcts file.
  • The next two columns report, respectively, the estimate and standard error of the first regression coefficient from the regression; i.e., the first regression coefficient of the first set of LD scores in the corresponding line of the .ldcts file. In the .ldcts files provided, this will be the regression coefficient corresponding to the cell type specific annotation: either the set of specifically expressed genes, or the peaks of chromatin mark.
  • The last column gives a P-value from a one-sided test that the coefficient is greater than zero. We recommend using this for significance testing, with appropriate correction for multiple testing.

For example, here is the .cell_type_results.txt file from the analysis of Cahoy gene sets and BMI summary statistics:

Name    Coefficient     Coefficient_std_error   Coefficient_P_value
Neuron  7.93194788527e-09       3.02894244784e-09       0.00441303625204
Oligodendrocyte 7.32019970874e-10       3.51868270994e-09       0.417599619801
Astrocyte       -5.76220451287e-09      2.60400594455e-09       0.98654507806