- Timezone plugin and logic implemented. All issues related to timezone shoulde be fixed.
- Events.availability defaults to busy when not specified 354
- Events parameter now includes location and url. 319
- Android: Fixed bug where platform exception appeared, when Events.availability was null on Event 241
- Fixed various issues in example 270, 268
- Android: deleteEvent code aligned with flutter 258
- Android: Updated to V2 embeddding 326
- iOS: Updated swift versions, possibly improved compability with Obj-C flutter/flutter#16049 (comment)
What's Changed
- Prerelease by @nickrandolph in #191
- Prerelease by @bhl09 in #194
- Pre-release (with updated pipeline) by @bhl09 in #198
- Pre-release (credentials file encode fix) by @bhl09 in #200
- Pre-release (Remove path field) by @bhl09 in #203
- v3.1.0 Release by @bhl09 in #204
- Pre-release (Missing quote fix) by @bhl09 in #207
- v3.1.0 Release with Pipeline Fix by @bhl09 in #208
- Dev release by @nickrandolph in #237
- Push dev release by @nickrandolph in #245
- Push a prerelease version by @nickrandolph in #281
- Publish prerelease to pub.dev by @thomassth in #296
- V3.9 release by @thomassth in #361
- folder fix by @thomassth in #369
- parallel testing by @thomassth in #367
- Update readme by @thomassth in #364
- V4.0.0 final prep by @thomassth in #370
- 4.0.0 merge cleanup by @thomassth in #372
Full Changelog: 3.9.0...4.0.0