emergency-notices has actually bug instead of label element it is paragraph
This project is built to test GUI functionality of buerokratt admin panel
Current project help to test Buerokratt chat Widget GUI.
Technologies used: Playwright, NODE.js, Docker
in root directory
Build image
docker-compose up -d
Run docker CLI interactively
docker-compose exec playwright bash
Run tests
To see report
npx playwright show-report --host
when done...
Exit docker CLI
orCTRL + D
Stop and remove container
docker-compose down
run all tests -
npx playwright test
run tests in specific directory -
npx playwright test ./tests/chatBox
run specific test file -
npx playwright test ./tests/chatBox/visibility.spec.js
run api test file -
npx playwright test ./tests/api/sample.spec.js --config=playwright.config.api.js
additional flags
--debug // debug step by step --ui // inspect tests while running --project=chromium // specify a browser for testing | default: all --headed // graphical representation of tests | default: headless --workers=3 // amount of workers to run tests --config=playwright.config.api.js // specify a config file to use for testing | default: playwright.config.js
Official documentation for running and debugging tests
Tests result will be opened automatically in the browser and localhost address will be displayed in the terminal
NB! Writng tests should be done outside the container. The container has to be rebuilt after.
create new file with
extension -
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'
action before each separate test
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/'); // Additional actions here });
Official documentation - Before and after hooks
- Use different locators to find elements in DOM:
Universal locator in Playwright is a method - .locator()
for other useful follow this link: locators
Official documentation for writing tests
NB! Test generation should be done outside the container Test can be generated using:
npx playwright codegen https://prod.buerokratt.ee/
Playwright inspector
point - click - copy - paste
Official documentation - Generating tests
All configurations can be optionally defined, once, per test, run as flags (e.g. timeout : 30000ms,)
Global configuration are defined in: playwright.config.js
and apply to every test run.
- Global timeout is set for 30 seconds.
- Failed tests will be retried once.
- Failed tests will retain a video, a screenshot and a trace.
- In container the test result will be diplayed
- Outside the container tests result will be opened automatically in the browser and localhost address will be displayed in the terminal.
NB! All tests are saved (including video, screenshot and trace) in the local directories until next batch of tests:
- All tests are conducted in an authenticated state. Playwright logs in before all tests, saves the cookie, and uses it to access the pages and correct translations.
- The login logic is handled in
, where the authentication flow and cookie saving is described in detail. Additionally, the configuration related to authentication can be found inplaywright.config.js
, which includes settings required to properly simulate and test authentication in the application.
- Tests are dynamically designed to handle translations in both English and Estonian. For example,
returns "Jah" when the cookie is set to the Estonian locale. This allows tests to seamlessly switch between languages based on the locale setting, ensuring all user-facing text is verified in the appropriate language.
- Tests are dynamically designed to handle translations in both English and Estonian. For example,