commands to assist and extend the use of i3wm.
If you are using Arch linux, you can install
the i3ass package from AUR. (AUR is no longer supported, but as of writing this it still "works")
Or follow the instructions below to install from source:
$ git clone
$ cd i3ass
$ make
# make install
GNU make, Gawk, bash, GNU sed
go-md2man is needed to re-build the manpages (optional)
See the last releasenote.
The table below lists the included commands. The links go to the wiki page of each commands. There is also a lot of videos on the budlabs youtube channel, where i3ass is used and explained.
In the wiki there are also two examples on how
i3's config file can be configured to make use
of most of i3ass.
script | description |
i3Kornhe | move and resize windows gracefully |
i3ass | Print environment information |
i3flip | Tabswitching done right |
i3fyra | An advanced, simple grid-based tiling layout |
i3get | prints info about a specific window to stdout |
i3gw | a ghost window wrapper for i3wm |
i3king | window ruler |
i3list | list information about the current i3 session |
i3run | Run, Raise or hide windows in i3wm |
i3var | get or set a i3 variable |
i3viswiz | professional window focus for i3wm |
i3zen | zentered container, full focus |
i3ass is licensed under the MIT license