Native AngularJS color picker directive for Foundation Zurb
Copy css/colorpicker.css and js/foundation-colorpicker-module.js. Add a dependency to your app, for instance: angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.filters', '', 'myApp.directives', 'myApp.controllers', 'colorpicker.module'])
Hex format
<input colorpicker class="span2" type="text" ng-model="your_model" />
<input colorpicker="hex" class="span2" type="text" ng-model="your_model" />
RGB format
<input colorpicker="rgb" class="span2" type="text" ng-model="your_model" />
RBGA format
<input colorpicker="rgba" class="span2" type="text" ng-model="your_model" />
As non input element
<div colorpicker class="span2" ng-model="your_model"></div>
The color picker in a fixed element
<input colorpicker colorpicker-fixed-position="true" class="span2" type="text" ng-model="your_model" />
When using fixed positioning, you can also put the picker into the parent element (this allows more styling control)
<input colorpicker colorpicker-fixed-position="true" colorpicker-parent="true" class="span2" type="text" ng-model="your_model" />