Single location for job search with recently scraped data from career sites (Please consider giving a star, it scrapes and updates recent postings every day)
- Vite
- React-ts
- MUI-Joy
- Firease hosting
- Firestore
- Github actions
- Redux saga
- Redux toolkit
- Frontend: User-friendly interface for browsing and filtering job listings. (Currently under development for more companies)
- Navigate to the jobify-frontend directory.
- Install dependencies with npm install.
- Start the frontend server with npm run dev.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
- Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
- Don't forget to format via prettier and then open a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
For any inquiries or issues, please open an issue on GitHub.