It is a rainbow six siege players stats tracker Built with Srcapy(Python).
Step 1: Install scrapy
pip install scrapy
Step 2: Clone project to you local directory
Step 3: Go to Project directory e.g. .../r6stats
step 4: openn terminal and run following command.
scrapy crawl r6st -a p=[playername] -a pl=[plaform]
e.g. = scrapy crawl r6st -a NaMeles_hOstAge pl=pc
This will run spider and scrap the data, but it won't store the data.
for storing data into json or csv run follwing command.
scrapy crawl r6st -a p=[playername] -a pl=[plaform] -o [filename/path]
e.g. = scrapy crawl r6st -a NaMeles_hOstAge pl=pc -o data.json
Given example will store the data into data.json file.
You can also make class of the spider and use it in your project host it locally using Scrapyd .
If you like my work, Check out other works I do.
Feel free to raise any issue or to request new feature.
Mail: Gmail