Hello and welcome to my CPSC 210 personal project! My application will emulate the
popular board game "Checkers" onto IntelliJ with the power of Java. Hopefully
2 bored friends somewhere out there will use my app to pass time (or to find out which of them
is the superior checkers player).
I'm quite interested in making an application that simulates checkers as I personally really enjoy play board games, and think it would be a manageable project for me to do!
User Stories:
- As a user, I want to be able to add pieces to my checkers board
- As a user, I want to be able to remove pieces from my checkers board
- As a user, I want to see how many pieces are currently on my board
- As a user, I want to be able to move my pieces
- As a user, I want to be able to view the current state of my checkers board
- As a user, I want to be able to save the current state of my board
- As a user, I want to have the option to load saved states of my checker boards
Phase 4: Task 2
A representative sample of the events that occurs when my program runs:
Wed Mar 30 10:40:25 PDT 2022 Started a new checkers game
Wed Mar 30 10:40:27 PDT 2022 Moved a piece on the board
Wed Mar 30 10:40:29 PDT 2022 Added a piece to the board
Wed Mar 30 10:40:31 PDT 2022 Removed a piece from the board
Wed Mar 30 10:40:33 PDT 2022 Loaded checkers board from file
Wed Mar 30 10:40:35 PDT 2022 Saved current checkers board to file
Phase 4: Task 3
If I were to have more time to refactor the program, I would split Board into 2 classes. I would have one class to deal with the data of the board and another to perform any actions. That way my program will be a bit more cohesive.