Antonio Muñoz Mateo
Bruno Julia Diaz
Maria Arazo (@maarsa)
Laura Moreno Valero (@Lauramova)
Ivan Morera (@IvanMorera)
Alejandro Romero (@Alejandro-23)
Carlos Bravo
Albert Gallemi
Muntsa Guilleumas
Ricardo Mayol (@Payayo)
Artur Polls
Ultracold UB is an open science project started in 2017.
The main goal was to build interactive code to play with quasionedimensional Bose-Einstein condensates by pinning dark and bright solitons.
This package has been used extensively as the main tool to do science popularisation in the ultracold UB project.
UltracoldUB uses qt4. To install it in ubuntu 18.04 just make a new environment (using the file py35_qt4.txt in folder condaenvclone)
conda create --name py35_qt4 --file py35_qt4.txt
then activate the environment
source activate py35_qt4
and run the code with