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OSC Mapping

BHBN edited this page Jan 14, 2024 · 4 revisions

MIDI to OSC mapping with Chataigne

Chataigne is a powerful software for controlling and synchronizing events for shows, interactive installations or prototyping. It can for example create mapping between MIDI and OSC messages for vimix.

Thanks to Lupin3rd for developing a vimix module for Chataigne. See demo:


MIDI to OSC mapping with MidiMonster

Midimonster is an universal control and translation tool for most show control protocols, allowing to map several inputs to OSC messages for vimix.

Thanks to RKelln for sharing an example Midimonster configuration file working with an APC40 MKII (see issue #62)

; MIDI to OSC for vimix

[backend midi]
name = MIDIMonster
detect = on

[backend osc]
;detect = on

[osc vimix]
bind = * 7001
dest = 7000
root = /vimix

; Pre-declare the values so the range mapping is correct
/*/play = f 0.0 1.0
/*/pause = f 0.0 1.0
/*/alpha = f 0.0 1.0
/*/tranparency = f 0.0 1.0
/*/loom = f 0.0 1.0
/*/position = ff 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
/*/grab = ff 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
/*/size = ff 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
/*/resize = ff 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
/*/angle = f 0.0 1.0
/*/depth = f 0.0 12.0
/*/lock = f 0.0 1.0
/*/brightness = f -1.0 1.0
/*/contrast = f -1.0 1.0
/*/saturation = f -1.0 1.0
/*/hue = f 0.0 1.0
/*/threshold = f 0.0 1.0
/output/fading = f 1.0 0.0
/output/enable = f 0.0 1.0
/output/disable = f 0.0 1.0
/output/fade* = f 0.0 1.0

[midi APC40]
read = APC40 mkII
write = APC40 mkII


; bottom faders to source alpha{0..7}.cc7 > vimix./{0..7}/alpha

; master fader => output fading
APC40.ch0.cc14 > vimix./output/fading

; top knobs
;{48..55} > 

; device control knobs (right side)
;{16..23} >