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A Comparison between different deployment automation tools for an AWS Serverless project

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Serverless AWS Automation Comparison

A practical comparison between different deployment automation tools for an AWS Serverless project.

This project is meant to be used as reference for learning purposes only. It was presented during the AWS Community Summit UK 2019 by Bruno Amaro Almeida. Slide deck is available here:

Currently supported:

  • Cloudformation
  • SAM
  • Terraform
  • Serverless Framework


In order to try out each deployment methods, please make sure you have the following:

  • AWS Account
  • aws client tool installed and configured to your account
  • terraform client tool installed
  • sam client tool installed
  • serverless framework installed
  • A Public Domain in AWS Route 53
  • A Regional SSL Certificate in AWS Certificate Manager

Example Serverless App

To make a comparison we need an example application to compare with. Our example serverless app is a static website (in S3) that allows the visitor to select an option.


There is an API that receives the option the user submitted (API Gateway) and processes it (Lambda) by storing the result in persistent storage (S3).

We allow the Developer to do Analytics over the results by using a combination of Athena with QuickSight.





Infrastructure & App Deployment


aws cli installed and configured

Please remember to adapt the S3 bucket names and Route 53 custom domains to your own environment.

Deploy infrastructure

cd infra/cloudformation
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name api --template-body file://api.yaml  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name website --template-body file://s3.yaml   --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Deploy apps (lambda + website)

cd ../../

Infrastructure & App Cleanup

This will terminate any resources that were created

cd ../../
cd infra/cloudformation
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name website
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name api


Infrastructure & App Deployment


aws cli and sam installed and configured

Please remember to adapt the S3 bucket names and Route 53 custom domains to your own environment.

Try the API locally (optional)

cd infra/sam
sam local start-api

Deploy infrastructure

cd infra/sam
sam package     --output-template-file packaged.yaml     --s3-bucket serverless-aws-automation-comparison
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file ./packaged.yaml --stack-name api  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name website --template-body file://s3.yaml   --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Deploy apps (lambda + website)

cd ../../

Infrastructure & App Cleanup

This will terminate any resources that were created

cd ../../
cd infra/sam
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name website
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name api


Infrastructure & App Deployment


aws cli and terraform installed and configured

Please remember to adapt the S3 bucket names and Route 53 custom domains to your own environment.

Set the enviroment settings

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="eu-west-1"
export TF_VAR_deployed_at=$(date +%s)

Deploy apps (at this stage only lambda)


Deploy infrastructure

cd infra/terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Deploy apps (lambda + website)

cd ../../

(Optional) Generate resource graph

terraform graph | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg

Terraform Graph

Infrastructure & App Cleanup

This will terminate any resources that were created

cd ../../
cd infra/terraform
terraform destroy

Serverless Framework

Infrastructure & App Deployment


aws cli and serverless framework installed

Install additional plugins:

npm install serverless-domain-manager --save-dev
npm install serverless-cf-vars  --save-dev

Please remember to adapt the S3 bucket names and Route 53 custom domains to your own environment.

Deploy infrastructure

cd infra/serverlessframework
sls create_domain
sls deploy -v

Deploy apps (website)

Change the API Key in index.html to the value the sls deploy output provided. I didn't found an easy way to set a pre-defined value to the api key.

cd ../../

Infrastructure & App Cleanup

This will terminate any resources that were created

cd ../../
cd infra/serverlessframework
sls remove
sls delete_domain

Athena (Optional)

Create a table based on the S3 Result Location

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS default.devopssquad_results (
  `option` string
  'serialization.format' = '1'
) LOCATION 's3://devopssquad-results/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='true');

Query the results - count votes and group them by option

SELECT option, count(option) as sum FROM "default"."devopssquad_results" group by option;

QuickSight (Optional)

You can create a QuickSight dashboard using Athena as source. Simply drag and drop the fields you need and customize the graph.

Embebbed QuickSight (Optional x2)

If you want to share your QuickSight dashboard to the public, please take a look at the file app/web/result.html and follow the instructions in this example:

To confirm the Cognito user, you can use commands similar to the ones below (adapt to your values):

aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id  eu-west-1_OTyJTR6aE --client-id 6cjqnmq08fosuvde6tnvtbfsqj --auth-flow ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters USERNAME=guest,PASSWORD='Guest!123'

aws cognito-idp admin-confirm-sign-up --user-pool-id  eu-west-1_OTyJTR6aE --username guest


This work was developed by Bruno Amaro Almeida.

Projects that were used and help during this comparison:


  • Enable SSL in the static website by using CloudFront
  • Athena templates
  • Quicksight templates
  • Cognito templates


A Comparison between different deployment automation tools for an AWS Serverless project






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