- fork this repo and git clone to your mac
- change directory and run script "npm install" to install all the dependencies
- run script "webpack" to build the bundle.js using webpack
- run script "mongod" to run mongodb locally
- run script "npm test" to run all the test cases
- run script "npm start" to start server
- go to browser and visit http://localhost:8080
Notice: Due to security reason, signing up a new account on the sign up page will only create regular user account. However, once the server starts, a new admin account "admin" / "Gx1234" will be generated. You can log in the admin account, you can use the "add admin" button to make other regular user to become admin users
User interface demo link [https://youtu.be/YSw3wZWLJ88]
Front End: React, Redux, Babel, Webpack
Back End: Node, Express, mongoDB
Test Suite: chai, mocha, supertest