Learning about open-source things, one commit at a time.
- I'm a Product Manager and Engineer with a craft for people, who enjoys challenges, learning and growing. I'm starting my journey in open-source and looking forward to start contributing to this community. (Any tips?)
- I'm learning about K8S, DevOps and Github.
- I'm having fun working @Google as a Partner Engineer for Google Cloud.
- I'm a proud Portuguese, now living in the United Kingdom.
- Hobbies include: Surfing, Telling Stories, my Pets and Eating.
Yeah... Still working on these. Stay tunned!
- [Google](https://www.google.com/) as a Partner Engineer. July 2024 - ???. - [Microsoft](https://www.microsoft.com/) as a Azure Infrastructure Engineer. May 2020 - July 2024. - [Microsoft](https://www.microsoft.com/) as a Partner Technical Consultant. Set 2018 - May 2020. - [Microsoft](https://www.microsoft.com/en) as a Digital Transformation Consultant. Set 2017 - Jun 2018. - [Vodafone](https://www.vodafone.com) as a Quality Engineer. Jun 2017 - Aug 2018.
- MSc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FCT-UNL, Portugal.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brunabruno
E-mail: bruna.brunobb@gmail.com