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Simple raytracer. First sequential implementation. Goal is experimenting with CUDA.

Example images

Example images, tracking versions. These mimick the example at wikipedia.

Version 1: Only intersection test, no light, no recursive rays.

no lights

Version 2: simple lighting, lambert shader, no recursive rays.


Version 3 (WIP): diffuse raytracing.

  • We want to approximate the light intensity $I$ at every pixel of the image

  • Every pixel in our image corresponds to a point $p$ in the "scene"

  • Consider the unit sphere $\Omega(p)$ parametrized by spherical coordinates $\phi \in [0, 2\pi), \tau \in [-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}]$ around $p$

  • The illumination of $p$ is determined by the sum of light rays meeting $p$ from every direction and on the reflection/refraction of each light ray in the direction of the camera.

  • Mathematically speaking we can

    • represent the intensity of a light ray meeting $p$ from each direction $(\phi, \tau)$ by a function $L(\phi, \tau)$
    • represent the reflection of light ray from each direction $(\phi, \tau)$ "above" the surface by a function $R(\phi, \tau)$ which depends on the direction of the camera.
    • represent the refraction (or transmittance) of light rays from each direction $(\phi, \tau)$ "below" the surface by a function $T(\phi, \tau)$ which depends on the direction of the camera.
    • integrate the product of $L \cdot (R + T)$ over the whole sphere.
  • To approximate the integral we perform monte-carlo sampling:

    • For reflections we sample rays according to the specular reflectance function $R$
    • For refraction we sample rays according to the specular transmittance function $T$
    • For shadows we sample rays according to the intensity of the light source in that direction
  • Each of these sampling functions can probably best be represented by a normal where sigma corresponds to "fuzziness".

  • Q: How to model different surface properties: translucency, reflection, color

  • Q: How to best "distribute" secondary rays over the different purposes?


  • extend sequential ray-tracer to diffuse and recursive raytracing (10h)

    • find some resource to read about parameters and formulae
    • implement:
      • spheres have reflection and refraction parameters
      • recursively trace rays -> soft shadows
      • parametrizable recursion-depth & diffusion (how many light-rays to send out)
  • update Cuda version to same state as sequential version (4h)

    • Risk: can we do recursion as desired (should work out of the box)
  • build infrastructure to run different versions of code (4h)

    • refactor to make it easy to write multiple versions of code to enable code re-use
    • make different cuda versions selectable conveniently
    • compare result with golden model
    • measure execution time
    • setup a small benchmark set: set of inputs, a script to run them all in one go (Makefile target), record some KPIs across implementation versions
  • experiment with cuda performance (10h)

    • what is peak performance we can expect
    • try out a tool to find bottlenecks / measure utilization / get some performance numbers from device
    • try out different memory types
    • try out different grids
    • read Cuda best practice guide for more things to try

Potential further steps

  • raytracer extensions:
    • support triangles as shapes
    • depth of field by simulating a lense
    • optimization of intersection test: aggregating objects hierarchically
    • full path tracing: sample the render equation


simple ray-tracer in c






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