# ElementsPython
Elements of Programming Interviews in Python, by Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, and Amit Prakash
- 4: Primitive Boot Camp
- 4.1: Computing the Parity of a Word
- 4.2:
- 4.3:
- 4.4:
- 4.5:
- 4.6:
- 4.7: Compute pow(x,y)
- 5: Array Boot Camp
- 5.1: Dutch National Flag Problem
- 5.2:
- 5.3:
- 5.4:
- 5.5:
- 5.6: Buy and Sell a Stock Once
- 5.7:
- 5.8:
- 5.9:
- 5.10:
- 5.11:
- 5.12: Sample Offline Data
- 5.13:
- 5.14:
- 5.15:
- 5.16:
- 5.17:
- 5.18: Compute the Spiral Ordering of a 2D Array
- 6: String Boot Camp
- 6.1: Interconvert Strings and Integers
- 6.2: Base Conversion
- 6.3:
- 6.4: Replace and Remove
- Build a Linked List
- 7: Linked Lists Boot Camp
- 7.1: Merge Two Sorted Lists
- 7.2: Reverse a Single Sublist
- 7.3: Test for Cyclicity
- 8: Stack Boot Camp
- 8.1: Implement a Stack with Max API
- 8.2:
- 8.3:
- 8.4:
- 8.5:
- 8: Queue Boot Camp
- 8.6: Compute Binary Tree Nodes in Order of Increasing Depth
- 9: Binary Tree Boot Camp
- 9.1: Test if a Binary Tree is Height Balanced
- 9.2:
- 9.3:
- 9.4: Compute the LCA When Nodes Have Parent Pointers
- 10: Heap Boot Camp
- 10.1: Merge Sorted Files
- 10.2: Sort an Inreasing-Decreasing Array
- 10.3: Sort an Almost-Sorted Array
- 10.4: Compute the K Closest Stars
- 11: Searching Boot Camp
- 11.1: Search a Sorted Array for First Occurence of K
- 11.2:
- 11.3:
- 11.4: Compute the Integer Square Root
- 11.5:
- 11.6:
- 11.7:
- 11.8: Find Kth Largest Element
- 12: Hash Table Boot Camp
- 12.1: Test for Palindromic Permutations
- 12.2: Is an Anonymous Letter Constructible?
- 12.3: Implement an ISBN Cache
- using Queue and Linked List
- 12.4:
- 12.5: Find the Nearest Repeated Entries in an Array
- 13: Sorting Boot Camp
- 13.1: Intersection of Two Sorted Arrays
- 13.2: Merge Two Sorted Arrays
- 13.3: Computing the H-Index
- 14: Binary Search Tree Bootcamp
- 14.1: Test if a Binary Tree Satisfies the BST Property
- 14.2: Find the First Key Greater Than a Given Value
- 14.3: Find the K Largest Elements in a BST
- 14.4:
- 14.5:
- 14.6:
- 14.7:
- 14.8:
- 14.9:
- 14.10: Range Lookup Problem
- 14.11:
- 15: Recursion Boot Camp
- 15.1: The Towers of Hanoi Problem
- 15.2:
- 15.3: Generate all Non-Attacking Placements of n-Queens