CSE 442 Team Information:
Team Name: bits_please
Project Name: UB_Liberator
Members And Team Roles: Kartikeya Shukla: Code Reviewer and Ui/UX Designer - Responsible for file validation. Ryan Kittleson: Full Stack Developer(Video and Media) Vighnesh Iyer: Front End Developer - Responsible for the main dashboard. Joseph Reimer: Tester and Team Manager Brian Doyle: Full Stack Developer(Data Engineer)
Project Description for MVP: We’re building a file sharing website where students/users can share study materials i.e. previous semesters’ homework, exams, study lessons, lecture notes, study guides and other learning resources.
Project Structure: Minimum requirements for A grade(as in we’ll definitely get the file sharing functionality by the end of the semester & might add other features later on) File sharing site Learning resource submissions--in the form of a pdf, docx, png or other file formats. User accounts Submissions tied to account Search options
Technical Description:- We’ll be building the project in python, and using Django framework to integrate the front-end & back-end. For front-end we’ll be using Bootstrap. We have yet to decide what we’ll be using for our database, although most probably it’s going to be in SQLite.
Currently Viewing Our Progress:- As we will be developing a webapp, the first stages involved creating placeholder html files that we will be working on and adding to before we can fully incorporate it. Therefor, to check our current progress, the html files must be opened in browser for viewing at this moment.
Additional Features:- We might add these later on during the semester:- Instructors can upload quizzes in the form of a pdf, docx etc. We’ll be making the user/student accounts anonymous so as to encourage more students to interact with each other. Anonymous uploads Owners can view submission identities Other users cannot see each others’ identities Justification: Some school districts don’t allow teachers to submit lessons developed within the district
Rating system for documents Star system Based on: User comments A way to support another user’s comments as being truthful/useful
User Story:
As a first semester UB CSE student, I need another resource for studying materials similar to what I need to complete, with the ability to upload and download from a site, along with keeping track of items I have downloaded and uploaded in the past. If I happen to violate any academic integrity rule or academic code of honor, it is solely on my own efforts and responsibility.
I sign up/login into the website, and I see a variety of classes available with resources. I click on a class, and I am presented with a variety of learning materials, from past study guides to past exams. I can determine the quality of the help by a group voting system. Via the dashboard, I have the option to upload material of my own. I have a ratio of work submitted to work downloaded, which I need to keep at a certain level to continue downloading resources. This ensures that I help foster an environment of learning by both learning from others and teaching.
Conflict Resolution:
In the event of a conflict, the conflicting teammates will have another teammate flip a coin. If there is not another teammate present, we will contact someone to flip it via skype, snapchat or something similar.
Official Release Video link: https://youtu.be/VMJcd7EJ_6g
The link to our website is: https://ubliberator3.pythonanywhere.com/
The Beta Release video link:https://youtu.be/KJawUlfCWrw
The Link to our Landing Page is https://ubliberator3.pythonanywhere.com/aboutus feel free to view it and see if using our software sounds appealing to you!
The link to our website is: https://ubliberator3.pythonanywhere.com/
The Link to our Landing Page is https://ubliberator3.pythonanywhere.com/aboutus feel free to view it and see if using our software sounds appealing to you!
The link to our website is: https://ubliberator3.pythonanywhere.com/
The link to our Alpha release video is: https://youtu.be/pqN3ANPt9Qo
The link to our prototype on YouTube is: https://youtu.be/SKBC7Gm7-KI
To run over prototype: Please open DashboardWithPlaceHolderImage.htm file in any browser