Add the dependency to your project:
$ npm install --save-dev react-styleguidist-visual
Point the tool to your styleguide:
$ npx styleguidist-visual test --url ""
The first time you run the tool, it will create reference screenshots for all examples in your styleguide, and store them in the styleguide-visual
folder. If you run the same command again, it will take new screenshots, compare them to the reference ones, and show you the differences between them.
If the new screenshots look good, you can promote them to be the new reference files by running:
$ npx styleguidist-visual approve
You can see all possible options by appending the --help
argument to any command:
$ npx styleguidist-visual --help
$ npx styleguidist-visual test --help
$ npx styleguidist-visual approve --help
Use the DEBUG
environment variable to see debugging statements:
$ DEBUG=react-styleguidist-visual npx styleguidist-visual test --url ""
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git clone git://
- Home:
- Daniel Perez Alvarez (
Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Perez Alvarez ( This is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.