An ode to Python code that uses Servos (ROBOTIS first)
When using Servode as a library use a single ServoProtocol instance per connected servo bus. One ServoProtocol can be shared across threads.
To connect a Servo and read a register (example: present_position
with ServoProtocol() as sp:
servo = Servo(sp=sp, servo_id=1)
# to read a value
value = servo['present_position']
To connect a Servo and write a register (example: goal_position
with ServoProtocol() as sp:
servo = Servo(sp=sp, servo_id=1)
# to read a value
servo['goal_position'] = 128
To connect a group of servos and write values to a register (example: goal_position
with ServoProtocol() as sp:
sg = ServoGroup()
sg['base'] = Servo(sp, 10)
sg['elbow'] = Servo(sp, 11)
sg['wrist'] = Servo(sp, 12),
sg['claw'] = Servo(sp, 13)
sg.write("goal_position", [
100, # first servo value
200, # second servo value
330, # third servo value
400 # fourth servo value
To read a register from one servo:
$ ./ read_register --sid 10
2016-11-04 06:01:42,582|servode |INFO: Read register: 'present_position'
2016-11-04 06:01:42,587|servode |INFO: Servo:10 value:497
To read a register from two servos:
$ ./ read_register --sid 10 --sid 11
2016-11-04 06:01:42,582|servode |INFO: Read register: 'present_position'
2016-11-04 06:01:42,587|servode |INFO: Servo:10 value:497
2016-11-04 06:01:42,589|servode |INFO: Servo:11 value:102
To write a value to a register on one servo:
$ ./ write_register goal_position 490 --sid 10
2016-11-04 06:23:28,716|servode |INFO: Servo:10 wrote value:490 to register:goal_position
To write a value to a register on two servos:
$ ./ write_register goal_position 490 --sid 10 --sid 11
2016-11-04 06:24:11,614|servode |INFO: Servo:10 wrote value:490 to register:goal_position
2016-11-04 06:24:11,616|servode |INFO: Servo:11 wrote value:490 to register:goal_position
Download the latest ROBOTIS SDK
Change to the directory where
resides -
Un-tar the ROBOTIS SDK:
#example tar -xvf ~/download/dir/of/DynamixelSDK-#.#.#.tar
Copy the dynamixel python functions to the directory where
resides# example cp DynamixelSDK-#.#.#.tar/python/dynamixel_functions_py/ .
to use the CDLL for your OS.- Example CDLL edit for Raspbian Jessie:
...snip... from ctypes import cdll # dxl_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("../../c/build/win32/output/dxl_x86_c.dll") # for windows 32bit # dxl_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("../../c/build/win64/output/dxl_x64_c.dll") # for windows 64bit # dxl_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("../../c/build/linux32/") # for linux 32bit # dxl_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("../../c/build/linux64/") # for linux 64bit dxl_lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("DynamixelSDK-3.4.1/c/build/linux_sbc/") # for linux 32bit sbc ...snip...