A .NET C# class library for communicating with a Datalogic Magellan 9xxx series Fixed Retail scanner/scales.
This library has been written to handle communication with the scanner/scale via single RS-232 cable interface. Dual cable interface is available however I have not tested or implemented this.
Sample code for setting up the connection.
// Instantiate a new connection with the scale
var scaleConfig = new DefaultSerialPortConfiguration()
SerialPortName = "COM1, // Will be whatever COM port is attached to the scale. Usually via USB-Serial adapater.
BaudRate = 9600, // Default is 9600
Parity = Parity.Odd, // Default is Parity.Odd
StopBits = StopBits.One, // Default is StopBits.One
DataBits = 7 // Default is 7
// create the scale variable with the selected config, and optionally an ILogger for error logging.
var magellanScale = new SingleCableInterface(scaleConfig, _fileErrorLogger);
// Subscribe to the Scan/Weight data received events.
magellanScale.OnScanDataReceived += OnScanDataReceived;
magellanScale.OnWeightDataReceived += OnWeightDataReceived;
// Open the port and start listening.
In all cases, barcode scans are sent to the host unsolicited but scale weight data must be requested from the scale by the host.
await magellanScale.SendRequestWeightCommand();
Immediately after the OnWeightDataReceived
event will fire, which can be handled and displayed to the user or used in an application.