Package was generated and uploaded on Apr 1, 2024 09:04:58
with the following dependencies:
swissup/module-breeze — 2.15.0 (was 2.13.1)
- Version 2.15.0 0dbf6c
- New bundle for dynamic js only. Useful for third-party integrations. e61aa6
- Allow to use $.mixin on instantiated component 22ec6b
- Improve logic for dynamically registered components.
It will register both path and alias (if available) now. fdfbf7 - PaypalInContext support 8a3ae1
- Added "shim.exports" support for PaypalInContext module 7a530d
- Automatically register dynamic js components 6359e8
- Fixed js error when checkoutConfiug is not available a1eb36
- Fixed js error when navigating from "paypal review" to cart using Turbo 102fb8
- Fixed js errors at "paypal review order" page 656247
- Align
$.post and $ .get methods with jQuery API
Second argument is a data object, not the settings. dd545d - Removed excessive code 695a6d
- Improve Deferred API: resolve, reject should return promise.
Fixes PaypalInContext:return $.Deferred().resolve();
7cd10e - Allow to pass observables in request params (PaypalInContext) 578016
- Fixed incorrect 'response' parameter in 'ajax:addToCart' event 363684
- Pass element in initialize method (Same as in Luma) 2baac1
- Improve $.Deferred API 8949ea
- Magento 2.4.7 fix: purgeMessages is not a function 934df5
- Cleanup messages after hide animation. Fixes too large gap if cookie message was hidden. d21a0d
- Fixed missing cookie messages on initial page load (compare) 2f9454
- Fixed incorrect url to the json dictionary file bc4cde
- Fixed incorrect breadcrumbs ($.breeze.referrer) when turbo is disabled ab98b5
- Revert "Fixed incorrect breadcrumbs ($.breeze.referrer) when turbo is disabled"
This reverts commit e2daefad4de332b5fa34f2185843f623f72b4d21. bef34b
- Show password component added fafbca
- Autoregister dynamic components for easier reuse of luma files.
See the next commit with show password component. 18ff9c - Render login popup just before show instead of lazy 0a1b2e
- Align ajax callbacks with jQuery API: add status and pass json data if possible d47d91
- Minimal uiLayout implementation (Used by StripePayments) 580f45
- Added Magento_Ui/js/model/messages for easier third-party integrations b38040
- Allow passing message container in config df1b6b
- Initialize should return
6ca04f - Fixed incorrect breadcrumbs ($.breeze.referrer) when turbo is disabled e2daef
- Ability to unset layout item with falsy value f49dd5
- Fix duplicate "add to cart" action when using
This commit allows preventing "submit" event in listeners attached
to parent elements (document). 821e4b - Allow importing js without file extension 7ed663
- Added ability to write mixin for plain objects and functions 0421d2
- Added missing 'mage/storage' component f9547f
- Version 2.14.4 f5f565
- Fixed infinite cart page reload when third-party module changes 'cart' on each page reload (Klaviyo_Reclaim) 51841c
- Add missing customerData.getInitCustomerData function 45a8f6
- Improve $.Deferred API bce941
- Fixed persistent paypal error message across all pages b04d05
- Version 2.14.3 2fe57c
- Allow to pass function in
a37d00 - Constraint dropdown inside parent container with 'overflow' style c36de5
- Version 2.14.2 57ba9a
- Fixed not working gtm if gtag function is declared in third-party module cb84b4
- Version 2.14.1 6ad0a3
- Fixed js error when selector is not a string b39076
- Version 2.14.0 8f133f
- Do not remove inline scripts with require calls for easier integration with third-party modules 22bb96
- Fixed possibly not mounted component when display area is set in the source code 7dffc0
- Fixed incorrect date when year is format is two-digits (GiftRegistry) cdce78
- Allow using some of jQuery-like selectors for both 'find' and 'is' functions 2c0345
- SendFriend page support added 10291f
- Do not add 'close' button to messages without subtype class
Fixes conflict with GiftRegistry module. 35864c - row-builder component added 6c6f97
- Fixed possible js error when countriesWithOptionalZip is null bf6c83
- Allow using dynamic nested uiComponents (will work if parent container is observable) d39da8
- Revert commit to disable breeze on third-party checkout pages d59616
- Allow using $().find(':input') selectors cf3eaf
- Rare components (Adobe Commerce) b148f4
- Added missing 'export' keys processing dfba70
- Code moved to BreezeEnterprise module 574f95
- Do not disable on pages with checkout_ or multishipping_ in action name
(AdobeCommerce add by sku feature) d77c5f - AdobeCommerce (Configure item added via add by sku) e74009
- Prevent form submit before confirmation a87514
- Fixed modal/alert/confirm resolving via
9385e0 - Added missing validateSingleElement function 165ca2
- Added missing prompt component 122adc
- Align .trigger('submit') with jQuery - submit form c606c8
- Allow to use Node like in jQuery: $(selector).find(Node) a27884
- Fixed incorrect breadcrumbs at products pages when opening multiple browser tabs 96ae76
- Insert preload link before all other resources (Maybe reduce load delay) b8f4a6
- Constraint dropdowns in both directions - horizontally and vertically 7ab8c8
- Add missing validator functions and 'invalid-form' event 12634f
- Allow reusing widget extend from proto:
$.widget('name', $, {}) c5cb0a - jQuery.mage => $.mage (AdobeCommerce) b997d3
- Added missing 'lazy' to image template e40a54
- Dummy setConf function for cookies (AdobeCommerce) 7ae4a7
- FIxed possible renderer error when uiComponent is created on body element 1d8a69
- Remove overriden wishlist/sidebar.phtml template. 6b3333
- $.Deferred added 74b198
- Fixed not working dynamic script when onInteraction is used 373a74
- Fixed js eror when storage section name is a number 953a67
- Ajax: 'done, fail, always' should return self to allow chaining ab9f18
- Added $.getJson function 6c10c3
- Added
$.cookie and $ .removeCookie functions (AdobeCommerce) 6f676a - Fixed uiComponent mounting when 'data-bind=scope' is escaped (AdobeCommerce) e839fc
- Fixed incorrect execution order of multiple big dynamic js components ce1675
- Log unregistered component names when breeze is forced via query param 8fced0
- Fixed incorrect execution order of dynamic js with complex dependencies (AdobeCommerce) 6bad87
- Search for template without dots: Vendor_Module_template_html 353957
- Better AdobeCommerce compatibility bc0d65
- Move :register" to breezemap because it could be used for any type of components 61acc7
- When including external file, add '.js' if it's missing 1380d5
- Prevent js error when allowing all inline scripts 2a8e4d
- Allow using external files as dynamic js sources ae6289
- Allow using $().find('> selector') and $().find(':input-type') a8c4c2
- Add validate-no-utf8mb4-characters (#64)
- Add validate-no-utf8mb4-characters
Magento 2 validation rule reference: b30a29
- Fixed incorrect count of active ajax requests when some is failed 83b195
- Do not shrink carousel items after latest commits b1e842
- Simplify carousel selector cd10c1
- Remove carousel paddings to prevent partially visible product after scroll 645f22
swissup/theme-frontend-breeze-blank — 2.7.4 (was 2.6.4)
- Version 2.7.4 a6d526
- Paypal InContext styles 382990
- Configurable css filter for out of stock items 6e4d95
- Fixed "Out of stock" label styles when primary actions use absolute position dc3190
- Hide empty fieldsets (Review form on Magento 2.4.7) cd1255
- Added integration with PickupInStore a46995
- Fixed extra margins around empty elements 8abe80
- "Selected" state for secondary button (Used by MSI store pickup module) ead464
- Missing msrp link style in shopping cart 8c2d30
- Fixed overlapped msrp price when it's shown aside of product name 2a3d3a
- Remove extra spacing below line-through price when msrp is used fb6a7b
- Remove hardcoded old-price text-decoration a74d7b
- Version 2.7.3 b10782
- Fixed not working
styles on newer less.js version. d3fa40 - Hide mixins from output (If
import (reference)
will be removed) a0dbbf - Remove unused styles (Newsletter block doesn't have block-title and block-content children) eb847a
- Fixed tocart styles when actions are absolutely positioned 34a28d
- Version 2.7.2 27fe3d
- Disable sticky product info by default 98c2f9
- Fixed product page styles when details block is removed from layout d516c8
- Fixed sticky info positioning inside modal popup 04c406
- Sticky media and info at the product page e3eb9c
- Version 2.7.1 ab1627
- Do not use two-column boxes in sidebar (Add by sku) 018e85
- Version 2.7.0 218b5b
- Reusable form mixins: 2columns and row builder. 7ecc85
- Small css fixes e428f1
- Do not apply styles for messages without subtype class
Fixes conflict with GiftRegistry module. 7c4a4a - Align close button to the right when parent is flex (.message.empty) fee7f6
- Ability to reuse account block styles 831190
- Better styles for third-party modules (GiftCard) e3f496
- Do not apply paddings for blocks without title (Add by sku) e7f997
- Revert "Do not apply width:100 for file inputs" to fix horizontal scroll 8873a1
- Do not apply width:100 for file inputs c09657
- Reuse styles in AdobeCommerce (AdvancedCheckout module) 3c11b3
- Fixed conflict with AdobeCommerce df3157
- Adobe commerce compatibility 0c2509
- Fixed secondary actions styles when buttons are used (AdobeCommerce) aaaf73
- Plus icons 329c50
- Fixed not working first click on review stars when using touch device ae8c1b
- Improved compatibility with Adobe LiveSearch module 2836f7
swissup/theme-frontend-breeze-evolution — 2.1.9 (was 2.1.7)