Package was generated and uploaded on Jun 20, 2022 11:30:29
with the following dependencies:
swissup/module-breeze — 1.12.1 (was 1.11.11)
- Version 1.12.1 7a9cee
- Fix lighthouse error about missing dimensions 043b59
- Reduce CLS 9bec90
- Version 1.12.0 bdd4b5
- Fixed vertical gallery alignment when thumbnails are empty c49204
- Allow to use newlines and indentation in config file d1dd57
- Prevent content jumping when reveal-on-hover is disabled 4e000e
- Fixed "magento_import returns empty result" notice in system.log 798cb8
- Possible fix for "Illegal string offset" in older magento versions bb0a57
- Fixed visible scrollbar when items use negative margins (reveal on hover) 974aad
- Reveal effect and keyboard navigation 34ade1
- Add classes for recent products ca1bcf
- Leave the space for possible box-shadow only 6f0907
- Fixed jumping slider arrows bdd7c3
- Products carousel improvements c65822
- Fixed disabled saveAddress button in Magento 2.4.4 fae1d9
- Send to friend page is not supported 42b180
- Update turbolinks from official repo (remove copyright) c6acd9
- Proper fix for turbolinks on 404 pages 024341
- Remember recently viewed products for 1 day instead of ~17 minutes b4a2f9
- Fix blurry images on retina screens 8d3688
- Fix not working recent products abb157
- Improve carousel styles aee87e
- Fixed ability to initialize carousel from js code ca63b4
- Fixed not working anchor "reviews" link at product page 79d506
- Proper implemenation of expanded tabs 750bda
- Fixed page reload on first tab click
This reverts commit 95a4e20d59815a657c84c066641f271d51197888. e64a04
- Fixed blurry thumbnails on retina screens f880b8
- Fixed blocked scrollbar when modal was opened and user clicked back/forwards buttons acc8b5
- Do not add tabindex if element doesn't do anything 95a4e2
- Fixed error when responsive images are disabled 63a1ba
- Added missing calls to parent destroy method 8e9296
- Prevent layout shift when using vertical mode and some option has many images 23efef
- Breeze gallery flexibility improvements a0b6fc
- Improve menu integration with third-party modules 87640e
- Prevent double tab in pagebuilder tabs 3785a9
- Do not break the page when markup is broken 33eda1
- Added additional class for stripes theme 4a88bf
swissup/theme-frontend-breeze-blank — 1.1.1 (was 1.0.6)
- Version 1.1.1 6658f4
- Fixed checkout success spacing between blocks 1ca1b6
- Fixed agreement out of parent container bcbe2a
- Reset third-party module style 0b72d8
- Reset line-clamp when reveal on hover is disabled to prevent content jumping c88407
- Version 1.1.0 21e8aa
- Breeze prefix for inverted colors mixin 91ac5f
- breeze prefix for all mixins 87ff12
- More grid helpers ee0cbe
- Use inset property b7cbd7
- Revert last change. Leave simple container sizes as a comment 24df6f
- Ability to align banner text in the middle of image (.v-middle class) 3f5f17
- Simplify layout rules 28b8a4
- Prevent icon flickering during carousel initialization 4cc918
- More variables 1bb646
- Ability to call icon mixin and generate both critical and deferred styles e714ff
- Fixed duplicate styles when using breeze-icon mixin b6eebe
- Remove unused style d60782
- Remove old unused style d728f5
- Fixed too small images in recent grid 5b73a8
- Fixed image bigger than parent container d70492
- Fixed "add to cart" below badge fa1e60
- Readable sizes attributes 2c75c9
- Fixed focus-ring under neighbor button 200a49
- Listing columns count for 3 columns layout 5d2e43
- More variables to control columns count 292ff5
- Ability to set columns count for "md" media 31be76
- Update sizes property for 1column layout 13d249
- Update columns count settings 4ac799
- Hide word "Reviews" and leave count only to prevent too much newlines 6a9d84
- Fixed different height of images when the image is stretched 41cd9d
- Fill empty space with product image 0a2320
- Prevent clicks on invisible elements 4da951
- Simplify listing styles 6af385
- Move search icon below layered navigation mobile overlay 63b228
- Less spacing between swatches in listing eca0fa
- Fixed search background when dark header is used 24c0c3
- Ability to hide whole container until recent products are loaded c60f8c
- Slider variables d2cf48
- Small checkout fixes d5db7f
- Fixed close button over modal content 03f27b
- Remove all background colors from default item state c58f40
- Fixed not working style ac1b7e
- Apply hovered clamp style when reveal on hover is used (to prevent jumping content below item) 8d8f4d
- Ability to limit bg-size in full-width slider/banner cc6fda
- Scroller component (Stripes) 78d984
- z-index helpers added 153884
- Pagebuilder slider fixes bd74c8
- More control over headings (variables) f57e7b
- Gap utilities to use with pagebuilder 444719
- Fixed focus-ring around banner d8d413
- Box shadow helpers added 4eeaa7
- Product name line clamp feature added 12564b
- Do not allow to redefine theme variable in module. Theme is the top priority source. 082257
- New price variables 17b8e6
- Fixed not working reset for hovered styles 1f1145
- Small buttons inside cms content 27cdf2
- Fixed rounded icons inside .prose 828a80
- Add spacing above products 8f6aa7
- Group reveal on hover styles 567f25
- Minimalistic reveal on hover by default. Hide all content to prevent flashing d4bd1f
- Space above toolbar when block is added before it 577df2
- Fixed margin around sorter combobox 727214
- Disable reveal on hover when hover is not supported by device 538aaa
- Improve/minimize hover-reveal styles 3b538f
- Listing reveal on hover moved to mixins 2e17f8
- Fixed overlapped shadow by the next item in the list (soldtogehter slider) d71e6c
- Smaller recently viewed items, since the image size is too small 3473a4
- Disable aspect-ratio for recent products because the images inside are twice smaller (ko template) dd1a35
- Fixed jumping reveal on hover on evolution theme dcb21c
- Fixed jumping content below carousel and list items in safari 14bfae
- Move padding var to the same scope where margin is bc6799
- Fixed overlap from slider over regular listing fe2dab
- WIP: Much better implementation of overlapped listing (carousel is not supported yet) 5b9f3d
- Hover image compatibility 039be9
- Hide content of third-party modules 5390af
- Add ability to customize spacing for filters when title moved inside content b37c71
- Prevent bold links inside pwa-compatible blocks (highlight) 348cc4
- Move filters above toolbar 17e88b
- Allow to move page title inside content.
When moving, use<attribute name="class" value="page-title-in-content"/>
instruction a2eb96 - Sidebar variables df66f4
- Reset text transform inherited from sidebar blocks 72fed6
- Large buttons for boxed pages 661be7
- Do not apply remove icon for wishlist and address list. a5f347
- Use button border radius for boxed blocks 2ea508
- Enable boxed blocks for small pages 68c4bf
- Hide inactive slick arrows 54dd29
- Fixed blurry image in recent products when breeze module is not supported 918677
- Fixed "inline" minicart mode when page is not supported by breeze module 18acc8
- Styles for sendfriend page f309dc
- Improve bundle product styles 36d83e
- Improve styles when addto links moved outside of social links 9bd9c8
- Styles for Mail to friend link 9c1439
- Improve add to links on small phones ea9d96
- Use hero styles for blocks in before-footer container 27e6c3
- Fixed recent products grid-mode styles c11eda
- Do not use wide gap inside sidebar e336e9
- Fix blurry images e66839
- Fix missing recent products block 7eea62
- Use same spacing in wishlist dropdown that is used in shopping cart a99e5a
- Share same styles for all images inside span.container 5f6659
- Init carousel for products wrapped into .breeze-carousel class 3ef84a
- Simplify hero-blocks selectors in page-bottom container 8247e1
- Add spacing between blocks in before-footer container f105e4
- Layout shift fixes e34344
- Carousel improvements to work well with images only mode. 8e4b21
- Fixed not working swatches over image in carousel blocks 06add0
- Remove border radius from slide modal 1bbbb2
- Fixed not working swatches over image in carousel blocks 5f14ff
- Better button reset mixin a1bb2a
- Fixed invisible slider arrow when hover over inner product item 1445ad
- Fixed missing primary button in modal popup 305a48
- Fixed price label color in listings bf422f
- Fixed delete icons in compare block in navigation dropdown 3c2c36
- Add to links variables fad992
- Product details variable e3ab4d
- Before footer containers cacf08
- Fixed devtools crash when open slide modal cb258b
- Improve details toggler in minicart bdf8ef
- Fixed visible scrollbar in minicart popup 902c6a
- Allow to apply block mixins to title without strong tag ff16e2
- Override global legend style 6f55c2
- New tab variables, remove unused styles. 9cdd63
- Block title variables a08591
- Tab variables a8832c
- Tab variables 5df427
- Remove unused styles bfeca7
- Override hardcoded style added by pagebuilder 52d6de
- Price variables edb512
- Do not shrink icons (wishlist, compare) 2df867
- Swatch variables 8adf84
- Variables for secondary actions 529411
- Selection color varaibles 55f3ae
- Mobile view improvement for product page 19390e
- Ability to hide qty input at product page 0f5a69
- Do not convert attribute table into mobile view since it's a small table 31f0c0
- Fixed incorrect value for review link color b622b4
- Striped table mixin ab0aca
- New input mixins d215e2
- Fixed link color inside message 49f2a9
- Text shadow for primary button only ad4588
- Improve pagebuilder tabs styles 7c06ab
- Remove unused styles a8bdb7
- Remove duplicated close button c40d3a
- Do not run logic when panel is visible (large screen) 5d9544
- Separate danger/success/info colors from message colors.
It's done because message colors can be white on colorful background,
while danger/success/info are used over base background (white) in forms. ff13db - Message variables 0337b1
- Reset text shadow from secondary buttons 9709c4
- Improve inverted colors mixin bbd70c
- Prevent horizontal scroll because of buttons component b0a0f8
- Improve inverted colors for typography page aff0a5
- Ability to change border color for buttons in listing 656443
- Use regular ring for button in focused state 73f961
- Remove opacity from the button in default state eed21b
- Fixed focus-visible state for link-button 73008f
- Fixed doubled container styles when page is built with pagebuilder e8cc4a
- Ability to reset font size on the cms page 052850
- Override pagebuilder hr styles 34dee4
- Reset list margin in nested lists 0e9195
- New footer variables 5db51d
- More css helpers f30f00
- Better icon helpers 42b2d1
- Shortcut to create css variables with rgb colors 79d4ae
- Inverted muted background variable added f1c50e
- img and svg are now inline elements 893f82
- Fixed image centering in footer or any other container. 8dfe1d
- Smaller minicart when compact mode is used 9b62e3
- New variables added 1fb065
- Fixed navigation mobile styles ddece1
- Fixed broken transition effects 08efce
- Navigation variables bbe70c
- Sync item radius with wrapper radius 676bdd
- Rename navigation variables 3755b7
- Keep padding in sync with container 76a735
- More less variables d4b81d
- Dropdown variables added f68c2b
- Remove code duplication 54b43f
- Added dark section color in rgb format 67b4f8
- Fixed breadcrumbs height 22523d
- Minisearch variables 1cc035
- Fixed dark header layout and nested navigation levels (Navpro "more" items) 0aca43
- Fixed inline minicart styles on small devices d0d233
- Remove deprecated rgb-alpha variables e574a0
- Improve minicart loading state styles 5d74bd
- Deprecate few rgb-alpha variables fea646
- Ability to disable box-shadow be4c8f
- No need to change nowrap for .action since it's a button with same property 25a571
- Improve minicart inline counter styles 367e75
- Navigation variables df1c4a
- More sizes d5a471
- Move footer background styles to deferred css f90ddc
- Better brand and dark colors support 73364c
- Heading variable for dark sections 713df6
- Minisearch button variables 9e32e5
- Fixed visible border-radius change in navigation items 8c61f9
- Added ability to change outline styles e3de0f
- Prevent button wrap to multilines 5a67bf
- Improve minicart composition (better for :extend(.breeze-button)) cfbd04
- Improve inline minicart styles on small screens ec3225
- Use global button font weight inside minicart 6a64d5
- More button variables 8bbc4f
- More header variables 373c91
- Sync form border radius with input radius by default d2348b
- Alpha channel variables added 0fc927
- Minicart variables for different counter modes c03195
- Reset inverted colors mixin added e1f142
- Improve dark header and mobile search 011a7f
- Improve dark header + amazon menu 6d9bf5
- Allow to place inline svg icons 1b994e
- Fixed dark header issue on mobile devices 11a0cf
- Fixed slideout color b224ce
- Ability to make dark header with a single variable bd9851
- Ability to change input-bg opacity 812b30
- Ability to make dark footer with a single variable 1f06ed
- Remove too large padding in footer dce7b5
- Allow to remove container width styles 12822d
swissup/theme-frontend-breeze-evolution — 1.1.0 (was 1.0.5)
- Version 1.1.0 265ebf
- Revert "Reset container max-width"
This reverts commit f03b907aedd684da1fd98398c00a6bc65de0d2bb. 9e877d
- Reset container max-width f03b90
- Fixed missing brands after re-save 5e38e0
- One rule per line 5683db
- Readable sizes attribute 93e355
- Inherit same value from blank theme 8e5906
- Update to the latest breeze version f26b83
- Boxed pages moved to blank theme a809f7
- Remove border from span.container's f73bcd
- Fixed too large gap between product name and image on mobile devices 86fa00
- Update to the latest Breeze theme 403945
- Update to the latest Breeze theme 07605c
- Dark section fixes eb771c
- Update to the latest breeze theme 1f2566
- Update to the latest breeze theme 13ba08
- Fixed text color in homepage banners fa64eb
- Rename navigation variables 0ef813
- Update to the latest breeze blank 5e9963
- New minicart variable 4b85ba
- Remove unused media queries a20ce3