A Dogecoin wallet built on the Electrum framework. Supports BIP39/BIP32 (12-word seeds), single WIF private keys, partial Ledger integration, and custom Electrum servers.
- Multiple addresses (external & change) under one wallet
- AES-256 encrypted wallet files (password-protected)
- Connect to public or custom Dogecoin Electrum servers
- Ledger hardware wallet (beta) for secure signing
- React + Node.js + Electron for desktop builds
Latest Release
(Windows, macOS, Linux)
Or clone directly:
git clone https://github.com/brdev/ElectrumDogeWallet.git
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start React frontend:
Runs on http://localhost:3000
npm run start
(Optional) Node.js backend:
Typically on http://localhost:3001
cd src-back npm install npm start
npm run electron:build
Output goes to dist/
- Create/Import a wallet (BIP39 seed or WIF)
- Encryption with a user-defined password (AES-256)
- Addresses for external (receiving) and change
- Electrum Servers (public/custom)
- Ledger (optional) for hardware security
Released under the MIT License.
Note: Keep seed phrases safe. You are responsible for your private keys.