Sen2Cor is a processor for Sentinel-2 Level 2A product generation and formatting. The detailed information about this software can be found in Configuration and User Manual.
In order to build the Docker image you should have Docker installed. Please, refer to the official documentation section Install Docker Engine if you do not have it installed.
You can create docker images for Sen2Cor version 2.5.5, 2.8.0, 2.9.0, 2.10.0, 2.11.0 or 2.12.0. If you intend to build the 2.9.0 version, go to the folder named 2.9.0 and build the image with the following command:
cd 2.9.0 docker build --no-cache --tag brazil-data-cube/sen2cor:2.9.0 .
If you have the file
in the 2.9.0
folder, you can add the following option to the build args:
Sen2Cor cloud screening and classification modules depend on ESACCI-LC for Sen2Cor data package. Please, download the package named
. After downloading and extracting the package, you should have a folder named CCI4SEn2COR with the following content:
(GeoTIFF file).ESACCI-LC-L4-WB-Map-150m-P13Y-2000-v4.0.tif
(GeoTIFF file).
You can create a temporary container that runs Sen2Cor with the following command:
docker run --rm \ --volume /path/to/input_dir:/mnt/input-dir:ro \ --volume /path/to/output_dir:/mnt/output-dir:rw \ --volume /path/to/CCI4SEN2COR:/mnt/sen2cor-aux/CCI4SEN2COR \ --volume /path/to/L2A_GIPP.xml:/opt/sen2cor/2.9.0/cfg/L2A_GIPP.xml \ --volume /path/to/srtm:/mnt/sen2cor-aux/srtm:rw \ brazil-data-cube/sen2cor:2.9.0 S2A_MSIL1C_20210903T140021_N0301_R067_T21KVR_20210903T172609.SAFE
The lines binding the SRTM
images directory and the L2A_GIPP.xml
file are not mandatory.