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Darnell Andries edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 237 revisions

Privacy Preserving Product Analytics Metrics

This is a human-readable list of product analytics metrics collected. The list of metrics collected can also be found in the source code. The analytics reported are not exact numbers, but are collected into aggregate "buckets" or histograms. The process for this aggregation can also be verified in the source code.

Disabled metrics can be viewed here.

General information about P3A can be found on our support page.

Encoding Parameters

Metric reports encoded using the STAR protocol use an aggregation threshold of 50 for each layer.

Submission of STAR-encoded reports is controlled by the BraveP3AConstellation feature flag added in 1.52 and enabled by default in 1.62. Parallel submission of metrics without STAR is suppressed by the BraveP3ATypicalJSONDeprecation feature flag for weekly-cadence questions and BraveP3AOtherJSONDeprecation for others, added in 1.62.

Metric attributes/metadata

Each metric will have a preconfigured list of one or more of the following attributes to include within each report:

  • Browser version
  • Year of install
  • Release channel (i.e. release, beta, etc.)
  • Platform (i.e. winx64-bc, android-bc)
  • Two-letter country code
  • Week of install
  • Platform without CPU architecture (i.e. windows, macos)
  • Region (i.e. americas)
  • Sub-region (i.e. north-america)
  • Installation ref code
  • Date of install

Current Metrics

[D] = supported on Desktop (merged and enabled in 1.1.x)

[A] = supported on Android (merged in 1.19.x and enabled in 1.20.x)

[iOS] = supported on iOS (merged and enabled in 1.46.x)

How long has the browser been active for in the past day?

Brave.Uptime.BrowserOpenTime.2 [D] [A]

  1. 30 minutes or less
  2. 31 minutes - 1 hour
  3. 1 - 2 hours
  4. 2 - 3 hours
  5. 3 - 5 hours
  6. 5 - 7 hours
  7. 7 - 10 hours
  8. More than 10 hours

Have you made Brave your default browser?

_Brave.Core.IsDefault_ [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes

What was the last screen that you viewed during the browser onboarding process?

Brave.Welcome.InteractionStatus.2 [D]

  1. Only viewed the welcome screen, performed no action
  2. Viewed the profile import screen
  3. Viewed the diagnostic/analytics consent screen
  4. Finished the onboarding process

Did you import settings and bookmarks, and if so from where?

Brave.Importer.ImporterSource.2 [D]

  1. Did not import
  2. Imported from Brave
  3. Imported from Chrome
  4. Imported from Firefox
  5. Imported from Bookmarks HTML
  6. Imported from Safari (answer only possible on macOS)

How many bookmarks do you have?

Brave.Core.BookmarkCount [D] [A] [iOS] 0. 0

  1. 1-5
  2. 6-20
  3. 21-100
  4. 101-500
  5. 501-1000
  6. 1001-5000
  7. 5001-10000
  8. More than 10000

How many open windows do you have?

Brave.Core.WindowCount.2 [D]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2-5
  4. 6+

How many open tabs do you have?

Brave.Core.TabCount [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 1
  2. 2-5
  3. 6-10
  4. 11-50
  5. 50+

What has been your interaction with the shields icon?

Brave.Shields.UsageStatus [D]

  1. Never clicked on shields icon
  2. Clicked on it, but never made a change
  3. Clicked on it, shut off shields for one or more sites
  4. Clicked on it, changed Shields defaults or per-site shield settings in addition to (or in place of) shutting off shields on one or more sites

How much BAT, excluding grants, is in your wallet?

Brave.Rewards.WalletBalance.3 [D] [A]

  1. No wallet created
  2. Wallet created, rewards disabled
  3. Zero BAT, excluding grants
  4. 1-9 BAT, excluding grants
  5. 10-50 BAT, excluding grants
  6. Over 50 BAT, excluding grants~~

If you’re a Brave Rewards user with a custodial account linked, is your Auto-Contribute feature ON?

Brave.Rewards.AutoContributionsState.3 [D] [A] 0. No

  1. Yes

Have you enabled sync?

Brave.Sync.Status [D]

  1. No
  2. Sync enabled with two devices
  3. Sync enabled more than two devices

How many extensions have you installed?

Brave.Core.NumberOfExtensions (only queried on program start) [D]

  1. None
  2. One extension
  3. Two to four extensions
  4. Five or more extensions

How many weekly questions did the browser send in the previous week?

Brave.P3A.SentAnswersCount [D] [A]

  1. None
  2. Between 1 and 4
  3. Between 5 and 9
  4. 10 or more

How many times did you search last week?

Brave.Omnibox.SearchCount.3 [D] Note: we count only omnibox events that trigger a search.

  1. Never
  2. 1 to 5 times
  3. 6 to 10 times
  4. 11 to 20 times
  5. 21 to 50 times
  6. 51 to 100 times
  7. 101 to 500 times
  8. More than 500 times

Which is your currently selected search engine?

Brave.Search.DefaultEngine.4 [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Other
  2. Google
  3. DuckDuckGo
  4. Startpage
  5. Bing
  6. Qwant
  7. Yandex
  8. Ecosia
  9. Brave Search

Is crash reporting enabled?

Note: Records the corresponding preference ("Help improve Brave's features and performance ") state during a startup.

Brave.Core.CrashReportsEnabled [D] [A]

  1. no
  2. yes

In the past week, what was the highest amount of New Tab Pages created in a day?

Brave.NTP.NewTabsCreated.3 [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 5-8
  7. 9-15
  8. 16+

Is the sponsored new tab page option enabled?

Brave.NTP.SponsoredMediaType [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Disabled
  2. Images only
  3. Images and videos

On the New Tab Page, did you click the Customize Settings icon?

Brave.NTP.CustomizeUsageStatus.2 [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes, but I didn't make any changes
  3. Yes, and I did make a change

Have you ever used Brave Today?

Brave.Today.HasEverInteracted [D]

  1. Yes

How many times did you use Brave Today in the last week that Brave Today was used?*

Brave.Today.WeeklySessionCount [D] [iOS]

  1. Never
  2. Once
  3. 2-3 times
  4. 4-7 times
  5. 8-12 times
  6. 13-18 times
  7. 19-25 times
  8. 26+ times

* Refers to the issue whereby stats won't be reset or updated if the corresponding feature is not used in the next time period.

Have you used the wallet in this month?

Brave.Wallet.UsageMonthly [D] [A]

  1. Yes

How you used the wallet in the past day?

Brave.Wallet.UsageDaily [D] [A]

  1. Yes

Did you switch search engines this week, and if so from what to what?

Brave.Search.SwitchEngine [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. No
  2. Yes, from Brave to Google
  3. Yes, from Brave to DuckDuckGo
  4. Yes, from Brave to Other
  5. Yes, from Google to Brave
  6. Yes, from DuckDuckGo to Brave
  7. Yes, from Other to Brave
  8. Yes, from Other to Other

If you have rewards enabled, which ad types do you have enabled?

Brave.Rewards.AdTypesEnabled [D] [A]

  1. None
  2. NTP only
  3. Push only
  4. NTP + Push

What is the global ad blocking shields setting?

Brave.Shields.AdBlockSetting [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Disabled
  2. Standard
  3. Aggressive

What is the global fingerprinting shields setting?

Brave.Shields.FingerprintBlockSetting [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Disabled
  2. Standard
  3. Aggressive

As a Brave News user this month, how many external feeds do you have in total?

Brave.Today.DirectFeedsTotal.3 [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2-4
  4. 5-8
  5. 9-13
  6. 14+

How many Brave News cards did you view in the past week?

Brave.Today.WeeklyTotalCardViews [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. None
  2. 1
  3. 2 to 10
  4. 11 to 20
  5. 21 to 40
  6. 41 to 80
  7. 81 to 100
  8. 101 or more

On how many domains has the user set the adblock setting to be lower (block less) than the default?

Brave.Shields.DomainAdsSettingsBelowGlobal [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1-5
  3. 6-10
  4. 11-20
  5. 21-30
  6. 31+

On how many domains has the user set the adblock setting to be higher (block more) than the default?

Brave.Shields.DomainAdsSettingsAboveGlobal [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1-5
  3. 6-10
  4. 11-20
  5. 21-30
  6. 31+

As an opted in Brave News user, when was the last time I used Brave News?

Brave.Today.LastUsageTime [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Within the last 6 days
  2. 7 - 13 days ago
  3. 14 - 20 days ago
  4. 21 - 27 days ago
  5. 28 - 59 days ago
  6. 60 days ago or more

As a first time user of Brave News this week, did I return again to use it during the first 7 day period?

Brave.Today.NewUserReturning [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. I have never used Brave News
  2. I have used Brave News, but I'm not a first time Brave News user this week
  3. I'm a first time Brave News user this week but, no, I did not return the rest of the week
  4. I'm a first time Brave News user this week and, yes, I returned and used it again the following day
  5. I'm a first time Brave News user this week and, yes, I returned and used it again this week but not the following day

Did the participant in Group A click on the promo and did they switch their default engine to Brave Search?

Brave.Search.Promo.Button [D]

  1. No, No
  2. Yes, No
  3. No, Yes
  4. Yes, Yes

Did the participant in Group A/B/C/D click on the promo and did they switch their default engine to Brave Search?

Brave.Search.Promo.BannerA Brave.Search.Promo.BannerB Brave.Search.Promo.BannerC Brave.Search.Promo.BannerD Brave.Search.Promo.DDGBannerA Brave.Search.Promo.DDGBannerB Brave.Search.Promo.DDGBannerC Brave.Search.Promo.DDGBannerD [D]

  1. No, No
  2. Yes, No
  3. No, Yes
  4. Yes, Yes

As a first time user of Brave Wallet this week, did I return again to use it during the first 7 day period?

Brave.Wallet.NewUserReturning [D] [A]

  1. I have never used Brave Wallet
  2. I have used Brave Wallet, but I'm not a first time Brave Wallet user this week
  3. I'm a first time Brave Wallet user this week but, no, I did not return the rest of the week
  4. I'm a first time Brave Wallet user this week and, yes, I returned and used it again the following day
  5. I'm a first time Brave Wallet user this week and, yes, I returned and used it again this week but not the following day

Did the participant in Group C click on the promo and did they switch their default engine to Brave Search?

Brave.Search.Promo.NewTabPage [D] [A]

  1. No, No
  2. Yes, No
  3. No, Yes
  4. Yes, Yes

As a Brave VPN user, when was the last time I enabled the Brave VPN?

Brave.VPN.LastUsageTime [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Within the last 6 days
  2. 7 - 13 days ago
  3. 14 - 20 days ago
  4. 21 - 27 days ago
  5. 28 - 59 days ago
  6. 60 days ago or more

As a first time user of the Brave VPN this week, did I enable it again the following day?

Brave.VPN.NewUserReturning [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. I have never enabled the Brave VPN
  2. I have enabled the Brave VPN, but I'm not a first time Brave VPN user this week
  3. I'm a first time Brave VPN user this week but, no, I did not enable the Brave VPN the rest of the week
  4. I'm a first time Brave VPN user this week and, yes, I did enable it again the following day
  5. I'm a first time Brave VPN user this week and, yes, I enabled it again this week but not the following day

Do you have Web Discovery Project enabled?

Brave.Search.WebDiscoveryEnabled [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes

Do you have cookie consent notice blocking enabled?

Brave.Shields.CookieListEnabled [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. No
  2. Yes

How many unique domains did you load in the past week?

Brave.Core.DomainsLoaded [D] [A]

  1. 0 domains
  2. 1-4
  3. 5-10
  4. 11-30
  5. 31-50
  6. 51-100
  7. Greater than 100 domains

If you have ever sent a transaction, have you sent one in the past 7 days?

Brave.Wallet.EthTransactionSent, Brave.Wallet.SolTransactionSent, Brave.Wallet.BtcTransactionSent, Brave.Wallet.ZecTransactionSent [D] [A]

  1. No
  2. Yes

As an active ETH/SOL/BTC/ZEC user (that currently has an active account, or previously has had one), how many accounts do you have with a non-zero balance?

Brave.Wallet.ActiveEthAccounts, Brave.Wallet.ActiveSolAccounts, Brave.Wallet.ActiveBtcAccounts, Brave.Wallet.ActiveZecAccounts [D] [A]

  1. 0 accounts
  2. 1 account
  3. 2 accounts
  4. 3 accounts
  5. 4-7 accounts
  6. 8+ accounts

As a rewards or non-rewards user, how many News ads have I viewed in the past 7 days?

Brave.Today.RewardsAdViews or Brave.Today.NonRewardsAdViews [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2-4
  4. 5-12
  5. 13-20
  6. 21-40
  7. 41-80
  8. 81+

How many days did you use the browser in the previous ISO week?

Brave.Core.WeeklyUsage [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. 0 days
  2. 1 day
  3. 2 days
  4. 3 days
  5. 4 days
  6. 5 days
  7. 6 days
  8. 7 days

If you enabled ads today, how many hours after browser installation did you enable ads?

Brave.Rewards.EnabledInstallationTime [D] [A]

  1. Less than an hour
  2. 1 hour or more, less than 12 hours
  3. 12 hours or more, less than 24 hours
  4. 24 hours or more, less than 72 hours
  5. 72 hours or more

If you enabled rewards this week, how did you enable it?

Brave.Rewards.EnabledSource [D]

  1. Inline tip button
  2. BAT icon in the address bar
  3. Rewards card on NTP

If rewards are disabled, did you click on the BAT icon in the URL this week?

Brave.Rewards.ToolbarButtonTrigger [D]

  1. Yes

If you have Brave Rewards enabled with a custodial account connected, how many tips did you make in the past 30 days (monthly and one-time tips combined)? Monthly tips count so long as they are still in your monthly tips list, even if they do not go through.

Brave.Rewards.TipsSent.2 [D] [A]

  1. 0 tips
  2. 1 tip
  3. 2-3 tips
  4. 4+ tips

If you are opted into sync, how many objects are synced?

Brave.Sync.SyncedObjectsCount.2 [D] [A]

  1. 0 - 1000
  2. 1001 - 10000
  3. 10001 - 49000
  4. 49001+

If you are opted into sync, which types are enabled in Sync?

Brave.Sync.EnabledTypes [D] [A]

  1. No types or only Bookmarks
  2. Only Bookmarks + History
  3. More than (Bookmarks + History) but less than (Sync All)
  4. All types

As a user that used Playlist at least once, when was the last time I used or added content to Brave Playlist?

Brave.Playlist.LastUsageTime [D] [A]

  1. 0 - 6 days ago (less than a week)
  2. 7 - 13 days ago (one week ago or more)
  3. 14 - 20 days ago (two weeks ago or more)
  4. 21 - 27 days ago (three weeks ago or more)
  5. 28 - 59 days ago (four weeks ago or more)
  6. 60 days ago or more (two months ago or more)

As a first-time user of Brave Playlist this week, did I return again to use or add content to Brave Playlist during the first 7-day period?

Brave.Playlist.NewUserReturning [D] [A]

  1. I have used Brave Playlist, but I'm not a first-time Brave Playlist user this week
  2. I'm a first-time Brave Playlist user this week but, no, I did not return the rest of the week
  3. I'm a first-time Brave Playlist user this week and, yes, I returned and used it again the following day
  4. I'm a first-time Brave Playlist user this week and, yes, I returned and used it again this week but not the following day

As a user that used Playlist this week, how many days did I use or add content to Brave Playlist in the past 7 days?

Brave.Playlist.UsageDaysInWeek [D] [A]

  1. 1 to 2 days
  2. 3 to 4 days
  3. 5 to 6 days
  4. 7 days

As a new user of Playlist this week, how long did it take for new Brave users to use Playlist for the first time?

Brave.Playlist.FirstTimeOffset [D] [A]

  1. Less than 1 day
  2. 1 - 6 days
  3. 7 - 13 days
  4. 14 - 20 days
  5. 21 - 27 days
  6. Longer than 27 days

How many profiles do you have?

Brave.Core.ProfileCount [D]

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4-5
  5. 6+

If you changed your News opt-in status today, what did you change it to?

Brave.Today.IsEnabled [D] [A]

  1. Disabled
  2. Enabled

Did you use Brave News this month?

Brave.Today.UsageMonthly [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Yes

Did you use Brave News in the past day?

Brave.Today.UsageDaily [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Yes

Did you use the browser this month?

Brave.Core.UsageMonthly [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Yes

Did you use the browser in the past day?

Brave.Core.UsageDaily [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Yes

If you accessed the Wallet onboarding page this week, where did you stop in the onboarding process?

Brave.Wallet.OnboardingConversion.3 [D] [A]

  1. Viewed onboarding splash
  2. Between "Legal stuff" and "Create password"
  3. During "recovery phrase" steps
  4. Completed onboarding after completing "recovery phrase" steps
  5. Completed onboarding after skipping "recovery phrase" steps

If you created a wallet within the last week, did you make a deposit this week?

Brave.Wallet.NewUserBalance [D] [A]

  1. Yes

As a user with vertical tabs enabled, what is the max amount of open tabs this week?

Brave.VerticalTabs.OpenTabs [D]

  1. 1
  2. 2-5
  3. 6-10
  4. 11-50
  5. 51+

As a user with vertical tabs enabled and had at least one pinned tab this week, what is the max amount of pinned tabs this week?

Brave.VerticalTabs.PinnedTabs [D]

  1. 1-2
  2. 3-5
  3. 6+

As a user with vertical tabs mode enabled and had at least one tab group this week, what is the max amount of tab groups this week?

Brave.VerticalTabs.GroupTabs [D]

  1. 1-2
  2. 3-5
  3. 6+

Do you have Leo enabled?

Brave.AIChat.Enabled.2 [D] [A]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

Did you use Leo in the past day?

Brave.AIChat.UsageDaily.2 [D] [A]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

If you used Leo in the past week, how many chats did you engage in during the period?

Brave.AIChat.ChatCount [D] [A]

  1. 1
  2. 2 to 5
  3. 6 to 10
  4. 11 to 20
  5. 21 to 50
  6. More than 50

If you used Leo in the past week, what was the average amount of prompts per conversation during the period?

Brave.AIChat.AvgPromptCount [D] [A]

  1. 1 to 2
  2. 3 to 5
  3. 6 to 10
  4. 11 to 20
  5. More than 20

If you viewed the NFT gallery this week, how many NFTs are displayed in the gallery?

Brave.Wallet.NFTCount [D] [A]

  1. 0
  2. 1 - 4
  3. 5 - 20
  4. More than 20

Do you have the Sidebar setting set to "Always" or "On mouseover"?

Brave.Sidebar.Enabled [D]

  1. Yes

If you switched search engines this week from Brave Search to something else, how many queries did you do before switching? (via address bar only)

Brave.Search.QueriesBeforeChurn [D] [A]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3-5
  5. 6-10
  6. 11-20
  7. 21-40
  8. More than 40

If you have secure DNS enabled, what setting are you using?

Brave.DNS.SecureSetting [D] [A]

  1. Current service provider
  2. Predefined / custom provider

If your secure DNS setting is set to "current service provider" and at least one DNS request was auto-upgraded in the past week, what percent of queries were made over DoH in the past week?"

Brave.DNS.AutoSecureRequests.2, Brave.DNS.AutoSecureRequests.Quad9.2, Brave.DNS.AutoSecureRequests.Wikimedia.2 or Brave.DNS.AutoSecureRequests.Cloudflare.2 [D] [A]

  1. 0%
  2. Greater than 0%, less than 5%
  3. Greater than 5%, less than 50%
  4. Greater than 50%, less than 90%
  5. Greater than 90%

If you are an opted-in Leo user, what % of your Omnibox selections were the Ask Leo option?

Brave.AIChat.OmniboxOpens [D]

  1. None
  2. Less than 1%
  3. Between 1% and 3%
  4. Between 3% and 5%
  5. Between 5% and 10%
  6. Between 10% and 25%
  7. More than 25%

If you are an opted-in Leo user, and you used the Leo omnibox option in the previous week, did you select the Leo omnibox option proportionally more this week vs last week?

Brave.AIChat.OmniboxWeekCompare [D]

  1. More last week
  2. More this week

As a first time Leo user, what was your entry point?

Brave.AIChat.AcquisitionSource [D]

  1. Omnibox option
  2. Sidebar
  3. Context menu
  4. Toolbar button
  5. App menu item
  6. Omnibox command
  7. 'Open in Leo' search engine result action

Do you have Web Discovery Project & notification ads enabled?

Brave.Search.WebDiscoveryAndAds [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes

Do you have a popular third-party adblock extension installed?

Brave.Extensions.AdBlock [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes

If you triggered the Rewards panel as a non-rewards user or a new Rewards user this week, did you enable Rewards?

Brave.Rewards.MobileConversion [A]

  1. No
  2. Yes

If you triggered the Rewards panel at least once as a Rewards user in the last 7 days, how many times did you trigger the panel?

Brave.Rewards.MobilePanelCount [A]

  1. 1-5
  2. 6-10
  3. 11-50
  4. 51+

Did you view the WebTorrent page at least once this week?

Brave.WebTorrent.UsageWeekly [D]

  1. Yes

Did you use Leo this month?

Brave.AIChat.UsageMonthly [D] [A]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

Did you use Leo this week?

Brave.AIChat.UsageWeekly [D] [A]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

As a first time user of Brave Leo this week, did I return again to use it during the first 7 day period?

Brave.AIChat.NewUserReturning [D] [A]

  1. I have never used the feature
  2. I have used the feature, but I'm not a first time feature user this week
  3. I'm a first time feature user this week but, no, I did not return the rest of the week
  4. I'm a first time feature this week and, yes, I returned and used it again the following day
  5. I'm a first time feature user this week and, yes, I returned and used it again this week but not the following day

As an opted in Brave Leo user, when was the last time I used Brave Leo? (reported monthly)

Brave.AIChat.LastUsageTime [D] [A]

  1. Within the last 6 days
  2. 7 - 13 days ago
  3. 14 - 20 days ago
  4. 21 - 30 days ago

If you are Rewards user who opened the Rewards panel in the past week, how many times did you open it?

Brave.Rewards.DesktopPanelCount [D]

  1. 1-5
  2. 6-10
  3. 11-50
  4. 50+

If you are Rewards user who opened the Rewards page in the past month, how many times did you open it?

Brave.Rewards.PageViewCount [D] [A]

  1. 1-2
  2. 3-5
  3. 6-10
  4. 11-50
  5. 51+

What is your primary language? (reported via STAR/Constellation only)

Brave.Core.PrimaryLang [D] [A] [iOS]

See for an ordered list of answers.

How many pages did you reload in the past week?

Brave.Core.PagesReloaded [D] [A]

  1. 0 pages
  2. 1-10
  3. 11-50
  4. 51-100
  5. 101-500
  6. 501-1000
  7. Greater than 1000 pages

Is it likely that you have made Brave the default browser on iOS?

Brave.IOS.IsLikelyDefault [iOS]

  1. Not enough information
  2. No
  3. Yes

If you have used Brave News in the last week and clicked on at least one card, how many cards did you click on? (reported weekly, desktop & Android)

Brave.Today.WeeklyTotalCardClicks [D] [A]

  1. 1-2
  2. 3-5
  3. 6 -10
  4. 11-15
  5. 16-20
  6. 21-25
  7. 26+

If you have clicked on 5 or more cards in the last week, what is the average rank (depth) of the cards you clicked on in the For You/Following feeds? (reported weekly, desktop & Android)

Brave.Today.ClickCardDepth [D] [A]

  1. 1-3 cards deep
  2. 4 to 6 cards deep
  3. 7 to 10 cards deep
  4. 11 to 15 cards deep
  5. 16 to 20 cards deep
  6. 21+

If you are a monthly active News user, how many channels are you subscribed to? (reported monthly, desktop & Android only)

Brave.Today.ChannelCount.2 [D] [A]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2-4
  4. 5-8
  5. 9-13
  6. 14+

If you are a monthly active News user, how many publishers are you subscribed to (excluding direct feeds)? (reported monthly, desktop & Android only)

Brave.Today.PublisherCount.2 [D] [A]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2-4
  4. 5-8
  5. 9-13
  6. 14+

If you have used Brave News in the last week and you used the sidebar filter at least once, how many sessions included the usage of the sidebar filters? (reported weekly, desktop only)

Brave.Today.SidebarFilterUsages [D] [A]

  1. 1
  2. 2-4
  3. 5-7
  4. 8-10
  5. 11+

If your "upgrade connections to HTTPS" setting is set to "standard" or "strict", how many page requests failed the auto-upgrade to HTTPS this week?

Brave.Core.FailedHTTPSUpgrades.2 [D] [A]

  1. 0%
  2. Above 0%, less than or equal to 0.25%
  3. Above 0.25%, less than or equal to 0.5%
  4. Above 0.5, less than or equal to 1%
  5. Above 1%, less than or equal to 3%
  6. Above 3%, less than or equal to 7%
  7. Greater than 7%

As a free tier user opted in to Leo, how many times did you use right click actions in the past week?

Brave.AIChat.ContextMenu.FreeUsages and Brave.AIChat.ContextMenu.PremiumUsages [D]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3 to 5
  5. 6 to 10
  6. 11 to 20
  7. 21 to 50
  8. More than 50

As a user of Leo Right-click Actions this week, what is the most used action category?

Brave.AIChat.ContextMenu.MostUsedAction [D]

  1. Summarize
  2. Explain
  3. Paraphrase
  4. Create Tagline
  5. Create Social Media Post
  6. Improve
  7. Change Tone
  8. Change Length

As an opted in Leo user, when was the last time you used the Right-click Actions feature?

Brave.AIChat.ContextMenu.LastUsageTime [D]

  1. Within the last 6 days
  2. 7 - 13 days ago
  3. 14 - 20 days ago
  4. 21 - 30 days ago

If you are included in the day zero experiment, which variant are you in?

Brave.DayZero.Variant [D] [A]

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, do you have Leo enabled?

Brave.AIChat.Enabled.SidebarEnabledA [D]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, did you use Leo in the past day?

Brave.AIChat.UsageDaily.SidebarEnabledA [D]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, did you use Leo in the past week?

Brave.AIChat.UsageWeekly.SidebarEnabledA [D]

  1. Yes, as a free user
  2. Yes, as a premium user

As a "sidebar enabled" experiment participant, did you change the Sidebar settings?

Brave.Sidebar.SettingChange.SidebarEnabledA [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes, I changed Show Sidebar to "On mouse over"
  3. Yes, I changed Show Sidebar to "Never"

Do you have the "forget me when I close this site" setting enabled?

Brave.Shields.ForgetFirstParty [D] [A]

  1. Not globally, and not per-site
  2. Globally enabled, no exceptions for any sites
  3. Globally enabled, but the setting is disabled for at least one site
  4. Not globally, but the setting is enabled for at least one site

If you’re a Rewards user with a custodial account connected, do you have one or more monthly contributions configured?

Brave.Rewards.RecurringTip [D] [A]

  1. No
  2. Yes

Did you make a Brave Search query today?

Brave.Search.BraveDaily [D] [A]

  1. Yes

If you have rewards enabled, which ad types do you have enabled?

Brave.Rewards.AdTypesEnabled.2 [D] [A]

  1. None
  2. NTP only
  3. Push only
  4. NTP + Push
  5. Search ads only
  6. Search + NTP
  7. Search + Push
  8. Search + NTP + Push

If you have Rewards enabled and a payout account connected, did you enable search ads this week?

Brave.Rewards.SearchResultAdsOptin [D]

  1. Yes

If you used the search widget in the past 7 days, how many queries did you perform this week?

Brave.Search.WidgetUsage [D]

  1. 1-10
  2. 11-30
  3. 31-40
  4. 41+

If the search widget is enabled, what is your default engine for the search widget?

Brave.Search.WidgetDefault [D]

  1. Brave
  2. Google
  3. DDG
  4. Qwant
  5. Bing
  6. Startpage
  7. Ecosia
  8. Other

Did you delete your Brave Ads Data this week?

Brave.Ads.ClearData [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Yes

Do you have "Show search suggestions" enabled?

Brave.Search.SearchSuggest [D]

  1. No
  2. Yes

Did you make a Google query using the NTP search widget this week?

Brave.Search.GoogleWidgetUsage [D]

  1. Yes

If you are an opted-in Leo user and used Leo in the past 7 days, what was the most used entry point in the past 7 days?

Brave.AIChat.MostUsedEntryPoint [D]

  1. Omnibox item
  2. Sidebar
  3. Context menu
  4. Toolbar button
  5. App menu item
  6. Omnibox command
  7. 'Open in Leo' search engine result action

If you are a first-time user this week and you viewed at least one page, how long after the install time did you view your first web page?

Brave.Core.FirstPageLoadTime [D] [A]

  1. 0-5 minutes
  2. 6-10 minutes
  3. 11 minutes - 1 hour
  4. 1 hour - 4 hours
  5. 4 hours - 1 day
  6. Greater than a day

If you enabled Sync this week, did you create a new chain or join an existing chain?

Brave.Sync.JoinType [D] [A] [iOS]

  1. Created new chain
  2. Joined existing chain

If you used the VPN NTP widget in the past week, how many actions did you perform within the widget in the past week?

Brave.VPN.WidgetUsage [D]

  1. 1
  2. 2-10
  3. 11-20
  4. 21+

Did you hide the VPN widget this week?

Brave.VPN.HideWidget [D]

  1. Yes

New Tab Page Ad Metrics

Metrics are reported for New Tab Page ad interactions, for those who are not opted into Brave Rewards. Three event types are reported for each ad campaign, on a daily basis:

  • views: amount of views for an ad in the past day
  • clicks: amount of clicks for an ad in the past day
  • lands: amount of times a user clicked on the ad, and stayed on the subsequent page for 10 or more seconds
  • interaction: amount of interactions for an ad in the past day
  • media_play: amount of times a user played a video in the past day
  • media_25: amount of times user played 25% of a video in the past day
  • media_50: amount of times user played 50% of a video in the past day
  • media_75: amount of times user played 75% of a video in the past day
  • media_100: amount of times user played 100% of a video in the past day

A metric name is constructed for each ad campaign and event type: creativeInstanceId.<ad campaign id>.<event type>

An additional metric is reported for the total amount of ad campaigns that the user interacted within the past day (

The bucket values for all of the above metrics are as follows:

  1. 0 interactions
  2. 1 interaction
  3. 2 interactions
  4. 3 interactions
  5. 4 -8 interactions
  6. 9-12 interactions
  7. 13-16 interactions
  8. 17+ interactions

Metrics Proposed/Under Development

Metrics in various states of development can be found in the brave-browser issue log with the feature/new-metric label:

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