Reverse-engineering and disassembly of the Atari 2600 game Haunted House
designed by James Andreasen, the original survival horror game. This is a
work in progress. The disassembled and commented code is in haunted.asm
. I
would appreciate any tips or advice anyone may have as a PR or Issue.
I'm using DASM. You can build the ROM
by running make
and you'll get a ROM, haunted.bin
. This can be played using
the Stella 2600 emulator.
If you don't have make, the correct DASM command to build the ROM is:
dasm haunted.asm -ohaunted.bin -f3
The ghost of old man Zachary Graves:
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The urn you need to win the game and the pieces which make it:
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The bats flying around:
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Some spiders (swaps between these two when moving):
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Key to unlock doors:
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The bitmap font numbers (they're actually inverted in the code):
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