Code responsible for running
If you're really interested in getting this running here's some hints.
- install node.js/npm etc.
- install mysql
- create database instasynch
- import schema/schema.sql into your DB
- clone repo
- run npm install
- cp node_modules/instasync/config.sample node_modules/config
- edit node_modules/instasync/config/index.js config file
- cd to web, start bin/www
- cd chat, start chat, and start clients
Web is the main web server, chat/chat.js is the core chat server. chat/clients.js is the layer that communicates with the chat core. There's a lot of moving pieces and I never had the time to make all the changes I wanted.
It might help to check out mewte/is_chat and mewte/InstaSync-WebServer as those two repos were combined into this repo for easy management.
Feel free to make changes and open pull request.