Derivative version of the free risc8 micro core originally by Tom Coonan.
As the original code was distributed under GPLv2 or later license, a choice was made to license this derivate work under GPLv3.
The original code was once published on, which is no longer available. A copy of the page along with the code archive and documentation is still available under web archive (e.g.
The instructions how to simulate the core follow. The instructions are for the Icarus Verilog, which should be easily installed on a Linux box (e.g. for Ubuntu systems no harder than apt-get install iverilog
# Create and enter the simulation folder
mkdir sim && cd sim
# Compile the sources (RTL and testbench)
iverilog -o test -s test ../hdl/verilog/*.v ../verif/hdl/verilog/*.v
# Create symlinks to the memory contents files
ln -s ../verif/other/sindata.hex sindata.hex
ln -s ../verif/other/basic.rom basic.rom
# Run the simulation
>Reading in SIN data for example DDS in EXP.V from sindata.hex
>Free-RISC8. Version 1.0
>Free-RISC8 1.0. This is the BASIC CONFIDENCE TEST.
>Loading program memory with basic.rom
>VCD info: dumpfile risc8.vcd opened for output.
>MONITOR_OUTPUT_SIGNATURE: Expected output observed on PORTB: 00
>MONITOR_PORTB: Port B changes to: 08
>Done monitoring for output signature. 9 Matches, 0 Mismatches.
>End of simulation signalled. Killing simulation in a moment.
# To inspect signal waveforms using GTKwave
gtkwave -f risc8.vcd