This repository is to test some API Doc generators for SystemVerilog code and provide example setup and output.
Doxygen is an API generator with a rich feature set. It has been the best choice for C/C++ projects but it supports a number of other programming languages, incl. VHDL. Unfortunately there is no support of SystemVerilog.
Unlike with Natural Docs (see later), there is no easy way to support a new language in Doxygen as it needs to understand the syntax. This usually requires a full parser of the target langiage. Another way is to use a workaround in a form of a filter, which translates the target language into a language that Doxygen understands.
This is the way how IntelligentDV (iDV) introduced SystemVerilog to Doxygen (by translating to C++). While iDV seems to be long gone, their SV filter code is hosted at Github, but no longer maitained.
The solution has some glitches, but otherwise it turns to be pretty effective.
Output of the following process on the prepared example is in doxygen/generated/api/
online preview see here).
First, make sure to install some recent Doxygen version and GraphViz:
# Install needed components
# (libgtk2.0 is for GraphViz to support PNG and other raster formats)
sudo apt-get install cmake g++ libgtk2.0-dev
# Install Doxygen
cd /tmp
tar xzf doxygen-1.9.3.src.tar.gz
cd doxygen-1.9.3 && mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=... -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
make install
# Install GraphViz
cd /tmp
tar xzf graphviz.tar.gz
cd graphviz-2.40.1/
./configure --prefix=...
make install
Then run the example from doxygen/doxygen
using the makefile
# Generate API doc
cd doxygen/doxygen
make WITH_DOXYGEN=.../doxygen WITH_GRAPHVIZ_DOT=.../dot
# View API doc
firefox ../doc/api/index.html
Natural Docs does not need to fully comprehend a language sysntax, but only needs how to identify comments and certain syntax attributes. This makes the tool applicable to a large number of languages with very little porting effort.
Natural Docs has been used to generate API documentation for UVM. Hence one can use UVM code distribution as a reference (e.g. and adapt it to her needs.
Natural Docs ... project ... Languages.txt ... Menu.txt
Output of the following process on the prepared example is in natural_docs/generated/api/
online preview see here).
# Install NaturalDocs 1.x
mkdir nd && cd nd && unzip ../ && export WITH_ND=$(pwd)/NaturalDocs
# Generate API doc
cd natural_docs/nd_proj/ && make
# View API doc
firefox ../doc/api/index.html
The following tables compares SystemVerilog features.
Feature | Doxygen 1.82 | Natural Docs 1.52 | Natural Docs 2.x |
JavaDoc Markup | Yes | No (for SV) | No (for SV) |
Text Markup | MarkDown | ND Custom | ND Custom |
Images | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Code Snippets | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Extra Doc | Yes | Yes | Yes |
ToDo Lists | Yes | No | ? |
Custom Menu | No | Yes | No |