PINDA measurements of repeatability, temperature stability, bed level
pip install git+
pip install -U git+
pinda_measure measure [options]
pinda_measure show [<file>] [options]
pinda_measure compare-G80 [options]
pinda_measure --help
-x, --xrange=<xrange> # X range to measure [default: 0:210:5]
-y, --yrange=<yrange> # Y range to measure [default: -3:207:5]
-t, --temp_range=<trange> # Bed temperatures to measure at
# [default: 20:20:1]
-c, --cycles=<cycles> # number of measurement cycles at each temperature
# [default: 1]
--num=<num> # change number of points for X and Y range
--port=<port> # Serial port of the 3d printer
# [default: /dev/cu.usbmodem1411]
--delta-last # show additional heatmap of change
# between this and last measurement
--delta=<file> # show additional heatmap of change
# between this and specified measurement
--help # show this help
--version # print version
Ranges are expressed as <start>:<end>:<num> with <num> points over the range
<end> inclusive.
When no <file> is passed to show, the results of the last measurement in this
folder are used.
Avoid --temp-range
for now. Existing visualizations don't account for pinda
temperature drift nor firmware temperature corrections so the pictures will come
up but will probably show a jumbled mess.
you can collect measurements but need to interpret the data on your own (patches accepted)
seems to work for the use-case as-is. Can be adopted to printcore, at the expense of more complex install...