Based on the excelent ZoneMinderFoscamHDTrigger program. I decided to create a similar script for using the built-in Hikvision VMD (video motion detection) to trigger ZoneMinder via the modified script.
A trigger script that uses Hikvision camera inbuilt motion detection to start ZoneMinder recordings. Records for as long as motion is detected.
Author: Jim Shank (Heavily borrowed from ARC) License: GPL
*** Please read the Wiki for setup instructions. ***
The code consists of 3 files: a) --> a modified version of the default (and a .sh file to restart it when it fails)
b) --> the code for detecting motion on Hikvision cameras
You will need the following Perl modules YAML::XS - sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install YAML::XS' XML::Twig - sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Twig'
Camera user will need rights to "Remote: Notify Surveillance Center / Trigger Alarm Output"