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Lab‐9 Final Presentation Report

Nazlıcan Aka edited this page Dec 10, 2024 · 8 revisions



  • The decision to implement annotations was finalized, followed by in-depth discussions regarding their structural design in both the backend and the database. Considerable attention was given to defining how annotations would be integrated into the system architecture to ensure efficiency and scalability. Additionally, a thorough evaluation was conducted on how to create the most effective and user-friendly interface for annotations within the web application, focusing on optimizing both UI and UX design principles. In parallel, several refactoring efforts were undertaken in the backend to improve code maintainability, enhance performance, and streamline future development.

Features to Present

  • annotation
  • portfolio
  • asset information page
  • different related content for different user tags
  • admin andregular user subforum creation difference
  • search (asset, user, subforum)
  • Popular, recent, for you, followed
  • admin properties
  • return posts of subforums
  • self user profile details, following, follower, posts, portfolio
  • post creation
  • view number
  • advance search: aı search, or semantic.


Scenarios to present the application.


  • Ege Yalın is a student at Dokuz Eylül University studying Economics. He is a freshman. He wants to explore finance. Also, he needs money so he wants to get an insight how to make money from stock exchange. When they are in a microeconomic class, their professor suggest Tradeverse application. After class, Ege wants to give a chance to Tradeverse. At first sight, he enters as a guest. After he spends time in the application, he likes the Tradeverse. He decides to sign up, and put a tag as "beginner". He follows his professor, Warren Buffet and Doran Acemoğlu since he trusts their advices. After that, he sees the post of his professor. He wants to put some questions as annotation about what the professor writes in his post. Since he has some assets in stock exchange, he wants to share his portfolio with other users. Then, he searches the assets to add and add his assets. Then he goes to search page to see recent posts. He faces that Aygaz assets prices increases, so he wants to get an information about Aygaz. He clicked the asset name and faces the information page about Aygaz. He decides to buy some Aygaz assets, since he thinks that the price of Aygaz is going to increase. He goes back to his portfolio and add Aygaz assets. He finally goes to for you page and looks for the posts of followed topics and followed users.


  • Professor Şebnem, who gave the advice to Ege about tradeverse, also using tradeverse application frequently since she is an admin. At the beginning she enters to her profile. She see that her follower is increased. So, she wonder who it is. She clicks her followers, and see Ege's page and decides to follow him. She goes to her subforum to create post. She wants to surf in application. she goes to for you page. (In that part we show the difference of for you pages between Ege and Şebnem) She also wants to see her posts to check anyone puts any annotation to the posts and check the view number. She wants to give an insight about Apple asset to her students. That's why, she decides to use Tradeverse for that aim. She searches for post, subforum related posts and comments of Financial Analysts in Tradeverse. Also she searches for the asset and get hot news and real time graphics from her search. She finalizes her search and get important insights about assets from Tradeverse.

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